walmart rant

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Special Hen
Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score
This, IMHO, is a large part of the problem. If WM wanted to increase their number of satisfied customers all they'd need to do is to start putting their daily lot out at random times throughout the day without telling anyone what the schedule is or when it will be put out on any given day.

The real problem with this is if it gets put out at random times I have a large customer base that we have been telling the same thing to since December now goes and raises all hell. So I lose either way. At least now consistency is provided. Also if ammo is put out at different times the people working back there can get nothing done for the "campers" and the 400 questions about ammo a day. Right now the process has been fairly streamlined where people start showing up and lining up around 5:30, ammo comes out at 7, sporting goods person can help all the ammo customers and get on to other responsibilities by 7:30 ish. Then the process is repeated between 9 and 11 for rifles. Always open to suggestions but changing the times and being inconsistent with what we have promised people for almost 5 months isn't going to happen.

On another note you guys will be glad to hear that the company has listened to the customers and the stores about produce and its quality. THere has been a big push to improve the produce departments and it is getting back to the stuff the stores are getting from the warehouse to actually be a better quality.


Special Hen
Mar 15, 2011
Reaction score
The real problem with this is if it gets put out at random times I have a large customer base that we have been telling the same thing to since December now goes and raises all hell. So I lose either way. At least now consistency is provided. Also if ammo is put out at different times the people working back there can get nothing done for the "campers" and the 400 questions about ammo a day. Right now the process has been fairly streamlined where people start showing up and lining up around 5:30, ammo comes out at 7, sporting goods person can help all the ammo customers and get on to other responsibilities by 7:30 ish. Then the process is repeated between 9 and 11 for rifles. Always open to suggestions but changing the times and being inconsistent with what we have promised people for almost 5 months isn't going to happen.

On another note you guys will be glad to hear that the company has listened to the customers and the stores about produce and its quality. THere has been a big push to improve the produce departments and it is getting back to the stuff the stores are getting from the warehouse to actually be a better quality.

Agreed. Don't work at Walmart but I do work at the Tinker Exchange Firearms Counter. For us we put out new weapons/ammo when we open, 0900.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
The real problem with this is if it gets put out at random times I have a large customer base that we have been telling the same thing to since December now goes and raises all hell. So I lose either way. At least now consistency is provided. Also if ammo is put out at different times the people working back there can get nothing done for the "campers" and the 400 questions about ammo a day. Right now the process has been fairly streamlined where people start showing up and lining up around 5:30, ammo comes out at 7, sporting goods person can help all the ammo customers and get on to other responsibilities by 7:30 ish. Then the process is repeated between 9 and 11 for rifles. Always open to suggestions but changing the times and being inconsistent with what we have promised people for almost 5 months isn't going to happen.

On another note you guys will be glad to hear that the company has listened to the customers and the stores about produce and its quality. THere has been a big push to improve the produce departments and it is getting back to the stuff the stores are getting from the warehouse to actually be a better quality.

Waiting an hour and a half for 3 boxes of ammo is nucking futs.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I was at my walmart in Ponca today.
I was there to pick up fishing supplies, as my ammo supply is sufficient, as I reload.
There was a sign on the empty ammo counter that said "no ammo in tonights truck".

Told my buddy about it, and he said that sign has been up for several days, so either our store does not get ammo, or its a ploy to put off the flippers that line up two hours early.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I was at my walmart in Ponca today.
I was there to pick up fishing supplies, as my ammo supply is sufficient, as I reload.
There was a sign on the empty ammo counter that said "no ammo in tonights truck".

Told my buddy about it, and he said that sign has been up for several days, so either our store does not get ammo, or its a ploy to put off the flippers that line up two hours early.

I was in there this morning and saw the same sign. While I was back there, an older lady stopped and asked them if they had any 9mm. The guy told her no, they get some on the truck most evenings but he didn't know what was on it until it got there. My guess is that they put the sign up for a day when they weren't getting any, and just haven't taken it down.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Walmart cares less about satisfied customers..
It is about making money.
You think i am satisfied when i go to buy veggies and 98% of them are from mexico or somewhere besided USA.
Pisses me off way more than any ammo deal ever did,,,
Not to mention their shoes that last me 2 weeks....They sell crap and make money,, that is the way it will always be.

If they didnt have satisfied customers they would not make money. If you want veggies from the usa, go to where they sell them and pay those prices. If you want better shoes, go some place else and buy them
Then, come back here and tell us where you made your purchases and your experience so those so inclined may follow your example.
It's high time we started lighting a candle instead of cursing the darkness.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I was in there this morning and saw the same sign. While I was back there, an older lady stopped and asked them if they had any 9mm. The guy told her no, they get some on the truck most evenings but he didn't know what was on it until it got there. My guess is that they put the sign up for a day when they weren't getting any, and just haven't taken it down.

You might be right. Customer service in that area really sucks as well as the inventory. I've never seen a major walmart with 1/2 of a short asile for shooting supplies. The paintball section is just as big. That place sucks.


Special Hen
Aug 12, 2008
Reaction score
I was there yesterday and they had a box of the 30-30 ammo I like. Can you believe those bastards make me pay $14.95 for it. I think I should only have to pay 6 bucks for it like I did 15 years ago. Someone should really do something about this. If only someone can make them sell their products for the price I want to pay. Better yet, why cant it just be free like my health care.


Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
I was there yesterday and they had a box of the 30-30 ammo I like. Can you believe those bastards make me pay $14.95 for it. I think I should only have to pay 6 bucks for it like I did 15 years ago. Someone should really do something about this. If only someone can make them sell their products for the price I want to pay. Better yet, why cant it just be free like my health care.

LMAO, That's a good one...

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