What are employers YOU KNOW doing about upcoming Affordable Care Act changes?

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Just curious what actual verifiable changes are occurring in the employment sector already based on your personal knowledge or experiences?

I know of one area employer of several hundred people that is making significant changes.... they are in the process of hiring and training DOZENS of new employees! That's right! NO KIDDING! One of my close friends is doing all the training of the new personnel, and she is swamped.

While this sounds like a good thing, the reason they are doing so, is that their lower-tier, lesser-skilled staff are ALL having their hours reduced! That's right... people at the lower end of the income-earning pool are being forced to go from previous full-time positions without insurance benefits to part-time positions without benefits - less than 30 hours a week, in this case, or maybe even 28? I can't remember... So, essentially, the people who are already struggling currently (i.e., "unskilled workers" making low-to-moderate wages, are getting their hours reduced to the tune of a 25% pay cut, while the company is hiring many, many more workers in the same job to fill the gap.

I suspect this is what is going to be found to be happening all across the country. It was not the intention of the law, but let's face it, employers are not going to just stand by and be penalized for being successful. They will find a way to work around it to maintain viability in the marketplace, or they will scale back. The ones who really are being hurt by this are the very ones it was intended to help.

Strong work, Legislative Branch... strong work.



Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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I read that some employers aren't so worried. One said the offer insurance at a weekly rate but few employees take it. When Obamacare kicks in it will cost them more, but the employee contribution will be five times as much so they think most would rather pay the penalty. But they aren't sure about the long term. And many companies that hover around that 50 employee mark will need to get their number under 50 before July so Obamacare won't hit them. So expect more layoffs between now and July.


Special Hen
Sep 21, 2012
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Because I sell ammo and guns around the country I have the privildge of speaking to business owners and gun owners around the country. I just talked to a business owner in southern Ohio who had 77 employees and is cutting them back to 49. Hmmm I wonder why 49? <tongue in cheek>

Some of the unintended consequences? ... or intended...? I report you decide.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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So... this thread's a couple years old now, we've had ongoing ACA regulations and things continue to roll out.... what do you guys think?

Anyone seeing any more changes, or have we just decided we're stuck with Obamacare and this is the new baseline? I mean, let's face it, no matter who gets elected this cycle, it doesn't look like it's going away, right? The Donald is all for universal healthcare, he just wants to make it different - but it ain't gonna be all that different in everyday practice. Hillary and Bernie ain't gonna touch it, they are all for the .gov taking over the next-largest segment of our economy. Nobody else really has a chance.

I think we're stuck with it, and it's going to get bigger and bigger as the Pac-Man that is Government-run Healthcare continues to eat up everything it can find.

Are people still struggling that you see with this, or is it just... the new normal, now?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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You went from 6 individual personal carriers to 4.... to 3.... now to there are 2 carriers signing personal policies in Oklahoma. United and BCBS..... of which United has threatened to pull out of Oklahoma. That will leave BCBS only as the sole choice for individual plans. So you're screwed if you have no access to benefits through your employer. The ACA has created a near monopoly here in less than 5 years.

Oh and Donald's plan, looks nothing like universal healthcare.

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