Epic miss with my bow

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Ok folks. Here is the scenerio. We have all missed a huge buck or another game animal with our bow.
I want to hear the story. Y'all have heard mine last year with the XBow at Big Mac.
Lets hear yours.

I missed with my bow because..........


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
I don't remember you telling that last year Dennis. Either I forgot, or you are just now fessing up.:D

No epic misses with the bow, only doe/dink misses. Helps that I've never had an epic oppurtunity with the bow.:( I have had big ones feel that magical line that is my accurate range and walk the border of it.

I clean missed the first little buck I ever shot at with a bow. At 7 yards. Newbie bow fever.

I shot 2 feet over the back of a doe in 2008. She was the biggest in a group of does. I was following her with my bow (she was behind me) until she hit my lane I had picked out. Well, I didn't account for the tree being there. Bumped my bow on the tree, finger hit release and I see the arrow arc over her and stick in the ground. She jumped, then calmed back down and fed off down the ridge on acorns. I laughed out loud in my tree it was so stupid.

Low and behold 15 minutes later, they return and I miss her again. I have no idea why. I though I hit a limb, but might have just been flustered from the first miss.:o


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
never miss a buck with my bow just doe... i thought i missed my first buck ever and didnt even look to see cause i was so mad but my buddy came by and we looked for my arrow and he found blood and my deer! there are some fun details to the story but i will tell the whole thing another time


Special Hen
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
The first time I got to go hunting last year, my dad told me which stand to go to and where to look for the deer to come from. I was watching some deer out on the field the other direction and just looked back the way my dad told me and there he was. The biggest deer I've ever seen in the wild. I'm thinking he was a legitimate 150 inch deer. I know, to a lot of people that isn't all that big, but back in the hills where we hunt, that is huge. Anyway, he walks right up underneath my stand, but stops behind a limb. I draw and wait for him to step out. He steps out but is going fast to get to the does on the field. As I am swinging through to try to catch up with him so I don't shoot him too far back, the bottom limb on my bow hits the big limb that makes the V where my stand is. By then, he's gone, out of range. I let the bow back down and start laughing. At the same time, my heart is racing. I'm so excited, mad and upset all at the same time. It was an interesting ride of emotions.


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2010
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
Many years ago, I was in a stand on public hunting land across Indian Hwy from Cherokee GMA. It was getting late, darn near the end of shooting time, a huge 8 point walks out in front of me. I had previously marked in my mind where 20, 30, and 40 yards were. But the fading light played tricks on my mind when he showed up. I could have sworn he was at 30 yards. He was actually about 15. :(


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
1997. I hit him too far back, and I never found him. That was the year I retired the bow.
I envy you guys who still bow hunt. I'd take it up again if I could make the necessary commitment.


Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
At full draw
Prolly the best buck i have ever shot at with my bow, I didn't miss.. I shot him and could never find him.. I hit him good also...

here's the story

I set a bean field that I had trail cam pics of a good buck hitting it pretty regularly.. I set on the field late September and seen him and 2 other bucks, so I knew where I wanted to set up..

I set up in a cedar on the edge of the field near where he came out before.. I got there and settled in and had does in the field about 45 minutes after I got there. I was watching some other does coming to the field, and turned around to look on the other end of the field, and him and one of the other bucks were out there feeding.. this was about 7:10pm.. With light fading and him about 300 yards away i decided to grunt at him loudly cause it was pretty windy.. I grunted and he threw his head up and started running directly at me!..

He went down to a pond and got a sip of water and came back up to the field, and started feeding again, so I hit the grunt call again.. Here he came, this time he didnt stop.. I had a bush ranged at 25 yards in the direction that he was coming from.. He came down the line of cedars that I was in and was about 40 yards and out of sight so i drew..

he came directly in front of the bush and turned broadside and looked back for the other buck.. I settled the pin in and let it fly.. I had an orange lumenok on that arrow with a 100 grain muzzy so I could see it really well.. It hit him right behind the shoulder and mid way up his body, it was excatly where I was aiming.. His opposite side leg was back and when the arrow when through it pinned it on the shoulder bone.. he took off and lost the back 2/3's of the arrow..My arrows are 30" long , so the bucks got 18" of arrow plus a broadhead still in him, He jumped a fence and took off into an open pasture.. We found specks of blood around where I shot him, and by chance found a pretty good spot of blood about 150 yards from where I shot him, by another fence. I looked for blood till 12:00am and decided to come back in the morning.. I came back, and found where he crossed the fence and about 20 yards across it.. This is an open pasture where he crossed to.. I was on my hands and knees for hours lookin for blood, my brother was helping me also.. I then gave up on the blood and went on a body search through the draws and thickets and found nothing.. It sucks that I couldnt find this deer cause everything happend so perfectly, especialy on the first day of the season.. he was about a 135 inch 10 point..

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