A couple of weeks ago, I read an article about the upcoming 75% tax rate in France. The article stated that celebrities and sports figures will be exempt.
I've always wondered why some of the celebrities and sports figures in the USA would support Obama and higher taxes. They would have millions to lose. Now, I just figure that they will have exempt status if and when it comes to that in the USA.
The exempt stuff really sucks. Just like when Obamacare hits. Congress and the unions are exempt from Obamacare.
The exemptions are effing bull butter. If these dirtbag politicians had to put up with the same **** we all will they'd never vote for it. Same for the tax in France. 75% tax on the rich, but if you're rich for something that doesn't really contribute to society you get to keep it. If you busted your hump to creat an empire and are a smart business owner you get the shaft?
I'd be trying to get outta there like a woody in gym shorts. If they all left I think it would show The French .gov how stupid they are.