Am I the only one

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Oct 20, 2010
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More waterfowl for me then. Keep them couches cozy boys! Lol just kiddin

I love hunting and fishing with my family and friends. Whitetail deer hunting is kind of boring to me but there’s still real hunting out there in the hills of Idaho, coastal lands of SE Alaska, trout streams in the Smoky Mountains & ice fishing near the Great Lakes. I have a LARGE bucket list of outdoor experiences that I have intentions on making a reality.


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Nov 23, 2016
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I'm getting real tired of the dragging and gutting and skining and all the crap that goes along with the "kill"
Both fishing and hunting, but I have a 13 year old some who is into it. Sometimes you just have to go along with all the bad to get the good. If it wasn't for him I'd only be a shooter, and hang up all the hunting and fishing


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Compared to a few years back, I've slowed down quite a bit. I've been a hunter since the neighbor and I built our first slingshots from old real rubber windshield wiper blades, and parents bought me a 25 lb recurve bow. Can't tell you how many dove fell to that bow with a wooden field point while they were sitting on the fence behind the barn.
Mom would pluck every one of them and cook em for us. Later on found out you just strip the breast meat and skin it. A whole lot easier.
Used to run a pack of beagles on rabbits which had to be about the most fun a hunter can have, but the rabbits have gone into a decline and never recovered because of predators and lack of good habitat.
I still love to go, but at 67 everyone I used to hunt with has moved off, can't walk anymore or just quit. I have some in their 40's I hunt with on occasion, but they are shift workers, and their time in the field is limited.
Spent around 7 hours between this morning and this evening in the deer stand. about the same yesterday, same the day before waiting on the big one.
Spent 10 years or so on a DMAP project taking does in an attempt to correct a buck to doe ratio that was skewed, killing up to 16 does one year. It got to be a job and not fun so quit doing that.
So, I'm pretty much down to two deer a year, both given to my sister and her friend. Got into Elk a few years back, and have kept the freezer full with that and all the fish we want to eat. As long as I can walk the mountains, I'll go after elk. Fine eating.
My Brittany bird dog had to be put down last month after 15 stellar years, so the pheasant and quail will get a rest as I'm not going to replace him. Still like walking the fields not so much to kill anything, but just glad I'm still able to do so comfortably.
I'd still trap and certainly have all the critters available to do that, but the market is so low that you can't even pay for your fuel much less make a dime.
Still love competition shooting, but slowing down on it as well. Wife seems to want to travel all the time now that she has retired, so we keep the rubber on the road pulling the RV around.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
@dennishoddy Every season in life is different, enjoy them as they change
That's actually some very wise words. As we progress in life, there will always be obstructions. One can stop there, step around, or climb over.
Sometimes these options aren't available and you have to take what is given to you.
Thanks for the insite.


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Nov 28, 2010
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Started following along with my dad hunting when I was very young. Starting trapping with friend and his dad when I was ten or so. If my schedule would allow, I'd hunt every day of deer, waterfowl and turkey. Enjoy going with my kids and other's kids more than anything right now. Fishing on the other hand, take it or leave it.

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