It’s amazing how we’ve figured out a way to turn a lightweight basic infantry rifle/carbine designed to be cheaply manufacture into an overweight pig that can be finicky. Same goes for the AK series.
It’s amazing how we’ve figured out a way to turn a lightweight basic infantry rifle/carbine designed to be cheaply manufacture into an overweight pig that can be finicky. Same goes for the AK series.
I think they’ve all used the same aluminum forging companies for their parts. There’s maybe only 10 total across the country. I don’t think that an ambi billet lower and a gas piston upper should drive the price of any production gun into the $2000+ price range. The AR snobs just want the logo on their lower more than anything, then they’ll throw on an Eotech or a Nightforce scope just so they can take pictures of their guns to flex on each other on Facebook.
I as in me does not think that those big name manufacture make all their barrels or BCGs in house. Didn’t post that. Not sure where you got that. Merely stating a good barrel and BCG is all that matters. For example I like Criterion barrels. Have had some good luck with them. Been waiting on another but they have been out forever. My understanding is they do make theirs.Seadog typed "It is indeed hilarious and complete BS. Barrel and BCG is the important stuff. The rest is fluff."
What is hilarious is that you think everyone on that list makes their own barrels, bolts and carriers! Colt has used at least 3 different barrel makers at times to include GM and Diemaco, all licensed by Colt, but not made by Colt. Green Mountain barrels supply several of the mentioned makers. Saber Defence made barrels, bolts and carriers for FN, Bushmaster, Noveske (bolts and carriers). Nordic Components make all sorts of parts, for at least 1/4 of all listed companies. I could go on, but you get the idea, or don't.
Maybe you guys think the New Process transmission in your Ford was made by Ford, and the New Process transmission in your Chevy was made by Chevy instead of the New Process transmission company, but everyone knows the New Process transmission in the Ford is better because Ford is engraved on it!
I’d assume that there would be a difference in the barrel and probably the BCG used between the two, most likely. May or may not get a better trigger in the DD. Guess it depend on what was ordered. I’d figure the Anderson would probably be stock GI. That’s just my 2 cents. Nothing wrong with either.I posted this article just to start a conversation on something actually gun related here, not to get anyone riled up because what they own wasn't mentioned or ranked lower than they think it should be.
Articles like this are never all inclusive or even completely accurate. The author states that PSA, Anderson and such are good enough rifles for self defense after they are proven reliable.
With that being said, are some of you guys saying that there is no difference between an Anderson brand complete rifle and a Daniel Defense complete rifle other than price?
Not arguing, just asking for opinions.
Not at all. Top tier ARs are much better than cheap ones and it doesn’t take a gunsmith or an engineer to determine that. Most of them are equipped with better barrels, better BCGs (like ones made from titanium that can take an absolute beating), the lowers are usually billet with ambi controls and have a much better fit and finish. Many of the top tier brands like HK and POF use a gas piston system on their top end models as opposed to DI. This combined with a mid-length gas system and adjustable gas block means their guns run much cleaner which makes them much more reliable. Quality control for the top tier companies is much better, mostly because they don’t sell as many rifles as the lower tier brands. They come with better furniture, more options, better warranties, etc. Do all of these extra features really matter when the **** hits the fan? not really.With that being said, are some of you guys saying that there is no difference between an Anderson brand complete rifle and a Daniel Defense complete rifle other than price?
Not arguing, just asking for opinions.