Mini-14 or AK

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Feb 29, 2008
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I had a Mini 14 years ago. It was a cool rifle, one of the early ones with the wood handguard. Never been a fan of the Ranch version. Although I don't have a Mini 14 I do have a couple of AR15's and a AK-47, but can't swear I wouldn't grab the AK-74. Reliable, accurate, easy to shoot, and I have a decent supply ammo for it. The price of 7.62x39 has me hoarding the last few cases so the AK-47 is farther down the list.

Not sure that answered the original question but it is something I've thought about.


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Sep 7, 2009
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Soccer moms sure love their sausage!!!
A sexist would say!🤣😂🤣
It was one can (if I remember correctly) to see if it was something we wanted add to our food stores. It was not and I do not recommend it to anyone. Heck it was as bad as the chorizo have tried which cooked away to nothing but a little grease in the skillet. I do recommend anyone storing food for SHTF try different things before you buy much of it. If the sausage had been decent I would have bought a few more to tr
y and if they were good that sausage would have become part of our rotation. Right now the only good canned breakfast meat is Spam, Corned Beef hash, and canned ham.
Last edited:
Nov 17, 2016
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believe it or not, i got several .556 palmetto state arms ar-15s (only ar-15's i have) and of all the ak's i have, the american made one people dog on (kalashnikov usa 7.62x39 ak-103 clone) actually outshoots the ar-15s, as far as group size goes at 25 & 50 yards.

This is with just plain iron sights that is, it might be different if they both had a good optic and were zero'd.

i rarely shoot at 100+ yards so. i am picking the ak everytime anyhow.
meanwhile, i got a cheap .556 polish ak underfolder and it groups about the same or worse than the wasr-10 which was disapointing. you'd think it would do better than 4" groups for being .556/.223, .223 especially.
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It was one can (if I remember correctly) to see if it was something we wanted add to our food stores. It was not and I do not recommend it to anyone. Heck it was as bad as the chorizo have tried which cooked away to nothing but a little grease in the skillet. I do recommend anyone storing food for SHTF try different things before you buy much of it. If the sausage had been decent I would have bought a few more to trey and if they were good that sausage would have become part of our rotation. Right now the only good canned breakfast meat is Spam, Corned Beef hash, and canned ham.
I've tried the pork and beef chorizo. Like you said, it cooks down to mostly grease and if one looks at the ingredients, it's mostly organ meat with lots of seasonings.
I did see Johnsonville sausage company is producing a chorizo made with cuts of actual meat using the chorizo seasoning.
Saw a person in front of me pick up the last package at our local grocery we got to and got a look at it.
It appears to not be organ meat, but have never seen it again. I need to ask the butcher if they are going to order any more.

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