I've owned 14 AK's and maybe 8 Mini 14's over my lifetime.
I would choose a Mini 14.
While both are similiar in many ways with backwards charging handles, rock in mags, odd/different safety locations, tons of proprietary parts, and difficulty of optic mounting, we are not talking about that.
Here, we are talking about grabing a gun to help a neighbor, NOT talking about future parts availability or other situations, running out of ammo or aftermarket mags, or mag cost.
Mini 14 in my opinion, Less recoil, typically lighter
I would choose a Mini 14.
While both are similiar in many ways with backwards charging handles, rock in mags, odd/different safety locations, tons of proprietary parts, and difficulty of optic mounting, we are not talking about that.
Here, we are talking about grabing a gun to help a neighbor, NOT talking about future parts availability or other situations, running out of ammo or aftermarket mags, or mag cost.
Mini 14 in my opinion, Less recoil, typically lighter