OK,who do you think you are punishing by not patronizing a business? Do you think that the decision to post the sign was put to a vote with the employees? It was one,or maybe a few on a board,that made that decision.So let's be sure and punish the other 99% of the company who probably don't agree with the policy in the first place.They are just trying to do their jobs and feed their families.I'm not boycotting anybody.I will,however,ignore their silly signs "suggesting" I disarm myself before entering their establishment.If I'm careless enough to get caught,they can ask me to leave and I will and will probably not come back.In 22 years of carrying,that has not happened.Gun buster signs in a non-SDA prohibited area = a lot of nothing.It's like not wearing a shirt or shoes.LOL
My thoughts exactly, I ignore all signs I see, except at the places I can't legally carry, post office, schools, federal buildings