Pain pill abuse.

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Special Hen
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
Verdigris, OK
problem is, they send that in to pharmacy's as well... if you're blacklisted.... you need help

they don't really "send" it to the pharmacies (the pharmacies actually are the reporting entity)....The database is central in OKC...Pharmacies, physicians, law enforcement all have access to this database. It is checked by each entity depending on the circumstance of encounter.


Special Hen
Jul 9, 2005
Reaction score
Grady Co., OK
Prescription drug abuse is a growing societal monster on all sides of the prescription pad. Patients that have either had severe pain that necessitated opiate based analgesics and received them long enough to develop a dependency or addiction, those with chronic pain and can't afford the cost of actually "Fixing" their painful problem, people that have addictive personality traits and "Click" with the opiate effects the first time they take a dose, recreational abusers that drift across the murky and indistinct line of addiction, those with a laundry list of psychiatric problems that lead them to self medicate or self destroy, etc., all combined with prescribers that would rather call, fax or write prescriptions for opiates instead of spending the time to work out (Arguably) more constructive solutions has resulted in a big, stinky mess.

A few "High Prescribers" (Prescribers that routinely prescribe large quantities of opiates for longer or indefinite periods, without a clear and documented plan for an end point) in a town or city tend to attract the above list of folks like moths to a flame. It's been going on for decades (Centuries), but has blown up over the last 20 years or so. If you haven't watched the 2005 documentary "Oxycontin Express", its worth viewing online. Prescription Monitoring Program? Awesome source of information IF prescribers use it when evaluation patients. I look up patients daily using it, and it's helped to identify those that either abuse, misuse or divert meds, but it's not perfect. Folks have already figured out ways around the database (Ask any retail Pharmacist) and some prescribers just don't take the 15 sec it takes to look up a dispensing history.

Ultimately, people with honest to gosh chronic pain that can't be otherwise fixed end up getting under treated and lumped in with the "Seekers, druggies, addicts, etc.. (Have I missed any derogatory terms here?) and the sneakier misusers continue to get huge quantities of unnecessary meds. There is no simple answer to the problem, but I suspect that at some point Plaintiff's Attorneys will find a successful way to start suing prescribers for "Addicting" their clients to opiates or benzos. That'll change everything.

Chronic pain patients- Find "Your" Pain Management Physician/ Service and stick to your contract. Don't wait for your Primary Care Doc to drop you or leave town. And whatever you do, stay out of the ER unless you have a valid medical or traumatic emergency. Running out of pain meds is not an emergency.


Special Hen
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
I did my Paramedic Doctor preceptor hours with a doc that had a clinic next to the ER. He had a incredible amount of overhead. Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance has really cut back on reimbursements. I was told that it will only get worse. When the affordable care act is fully implemented. If you want to know what that will look like. Go to the indian hospital in Lawton. And hang out. That population group has had it for years. I will let you make the judgement how good the care is. Regards


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
Dont underestimate me Doc , I have enough experience with chronic pain to have my own understanding.

Bad information is going to cause problems, Im simply trying to explain it from an "experience" point of view.

Ive dealt with drug pushing doc's that charge outrageous prices, to those that really want to help and make No judgements against people (its all in your head, just tough it out (kinda hard to do when your skin is crawling inside out, or you cant see because of a head ache))

Bottom line is I dont want or need the .gov involved in my familys medical care, or anything else that has to do with"our well being"

I do understand Doc and Mrs BB, mostly from My Experience.
Im not trying to argue , But misinformation causes problems, and stereo types.

So Good Luck to all who suffer debilitating pain ,that cant get relief, because of . gov interference.

And your right I understand My experiences, and i just take into consideration what people on a gun forum have to apply>


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
No, that is absolutely not true...We do not charge by the hour...We are paid based on what the visit is "worth"...If you are an established patient with a certain "complexity" of visit, we get paid on what the insurance company deems that visit is worth. I could charge $500 for a sprained ankle visit, but I'm only going to receive about $100 from the insurance company (depending on new patient/returning patient, x-rays, splint, etc)....

So they cram as many patients in that hour as they can, thererore the "wait" if the Doc is busy with another patient.

My time is valuable too, therefore I dont appreciate the over/double appointment scheduling.

My bills show an ammout charged as ..Per visit, so does this mean My visit is 15 minutes long?
If so $195 x 4 is a pretty good hourly wage, so I pay it because She actually does listen and and spends the time needed to be able to give a correct diagnosis, as a whole person.

Dont get me wrong , Doctoring is a pretty tough job, you see people at their worst, dying, extreme pain, and sometimes you just cant help them ( doc shopping aside)

So Thank You for trying to be of help, not all are


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
twoguns? said:
Im not trying to argue , But misinformation causes problems, and stereo types.

Might start with losing your own disinformation first, then.

So Thank You for trying to be of help, not all are

I help lots of people... but people who come to me with an attitude of entitlement or a chip on their shoulder can go pound f***ing sand. I'm not anyone's servant, nor do I owe a damn person a damn thing. Don't like it, find someone else to listen to your ****. Just because I chose a field to help cure sickness does not mean I should or will be treated like a servant. I won't put up with it. It's a free market... find someone who will coddle your ass if that's what you're looking for. If you're looking to take some responsibility for your own health and step up and do your part, then we'll get along fine. But standing there with your hand out tell me you hurt and I have to give you drugs because I took some ******** oath, well... that'll get you ushered right out to continue your search elsewhere.

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