Rancher in Nevada being harassed by the FEDS and confiscating his cattle

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Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
Why not Just give it back to the Shoshone and Paiute? The government has been stealing land from one party or another for as long as there has been a government. Does this guy get in under the wire because he's the latest white guy to claim ownership?

There ain't enough of them to fill it anymore. If they did... it would all be managed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs... not a solution there, is it. Don't forget the Washoes... it's a big chunk was theirs in the first place. The Shosone tribe was moved here from primer lands in the NW.

Read the thread, read the papers, read the primary documents and the editorials... Bundy is not the only person or company or state official who want's this... he's just the one crazy enough to be cast in the popular medias narative as a crazy hold out right wing extremist nutcase who's just out to rape the "public" land.

It makes me pretty happy when I see people who can justify a Federal System that writes law without the consent of the people and shrugs it's collective shoulders when the agency tells you they ain't working with anybody.

I actually had a discussion with a Texan who told me there was "no, by God, BLM in Texas"... ignorance is bliss. Right now they run oil permits and a big stretch of the RED RIVER is part of a land grab where a bunch of dumb cowboys are loosing private land.


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
You can't win against them unless you fight the system.

The courts have agenda's like anybody else. We "think" court systems are about enforcing the laws of the land, and render judgments fairly, but the majority enforce personal agenda's related to their personal political beliefs.

This case in Nevada is a prime example of politics making the laws, not common sense, or environmental sense. They used the environment to drive out the ranchers to enable them to install wind and solar farms that sound environmentally friendly, yet as we are finding out, contribute to environment disasters.

Google the Greater Prairie chicken debacle going on right now, and how many eagle have been killed by wind farms.

Thousands of other ranchers are going to be driven out of business if the Prairie Chicken becomes an endangered specie.

Buffet bought NV Energy for two reasons. Nevada is smack between the Columbia River Basin and Denver, Phoenix and Las Angeles when you examine the electric transmission system in this country.

Bufffet is big on solar and wind... and he has enough money that Harry Reid and Barrack Obama return his phone calls.

You may be able to plot the points from here.....


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK

"Range" is required reading for those of you who actually deal with public land. Of course... since you folks own 97% of yours in Oklahoma (own with a deed) this may not be of any interest to you.

These "one pair to 200 acres cows/calf pairs" are what feeds the stocker cow and feeder cow industry that a lot of Oklahomans' rely on to make a living. These cows have been raised on cheap land out here in the Basin for years... for years the grazing and water was the only thing worth a damn... the BLM and USFS kept an eye on roads, built a culvert now and then and pumped out the outhouse at a trail head. Yep, the folks back east paid for it in taxes but hey- it's their land too.

Fast forward to the last 10 years. Gold is over $1000 ounce ... Vegas and LA need every drop of water in the region... Indian gaming has put a crunch on the small casino tourism industry and oil, geo thermal and solar energy all need right of way across federal lands to be worth anything... plus all the plant needs ground to be built over. To get use you need to jump through a ton of hoops... and having a Senator and a couple of Judges is a prudent investment...

You guys are smart - figure it out.


Special Hen
Apr 7, 2014
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No one is saying this, but I will go ahead say it now. I am proud of how our federal officers handled themselves. They had people with guns (slung or not, and in some cases, aimed directly at them) and a lot of crazy, in-your-face people who were TRYING to get a reaction out of them, and they did not give into and go all Ruby Ridge on them, and for that, they have my respect.

I'm not sure that if I were in their shoes, in that situation, with things being the way that it was, that I would not have done it a different way.

They should have never been there in that capacity to begin with, but hey it is coming to a town near you soon. With activists having filed a lawsuit to have the prairie chicken put on the endangered species list, the western part of the state, where they are drilling on private land, could virtually be in the same exact situation as Mr. Bundy if they succeed.

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Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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You can't win against them unless you fight the system.

The courts have agenda's like anybody else. We "think" court systems are about enforcing the laws of the land, and render judgments fairly, but the majority enforce personal agenda's related to their personal political beliefs.

This case in Nevada is a prime example of politics making the laws, not common sense, or environmental sense. They used the environment to drive out the ranchers to enable them to install wind and solar farms that sound environmentally friendly, yet as we are finding out, contribute to environment disasters.

Google the Greater Prairie chicken debacle going on right now, and how many eagle have been killed by wind farms.

Thousands of other ranchers are going to be driven out of business if the Prairie Chicken becomes an endangered specie.

He can't win in court. Want to know why? Because the BLM wrote the laws, not our elected representatives but an appointed official. This is not how our founding fathers intended for the law of the land to be written but damned if it's not what we have evolved into. It's not just the BLM, OSHA, EPA, DHS, NSA, DOT, ATF, the list seems endless. A person or business cannot beat any of these agencies in court because the agencies are writing the laws to fit their agendas.


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
No one is saying this, but I will go ahead say it now. I am proud of how our federal officers handled themselves. They had people with guns (slung or not, and in some cases, aimed directly at them) and a lot of crazy, in-your-face people who were TRYING to get a reaction out of them, and they did not give into and go all Ruby Ridge on them, and for that, they have my respect.

I'm not sure that if I were in their shoes, in that situation, with things being the way that it was, that I would not have done it a different way.

You really need to wonder why a buch of mule packing, t post drivin park ranges need a swat team in house. BLM does have a "patrol" division that should insure some sort of "PUBLIC SAFETY"... like running meth lab squatters off YOUR public land. Maybe even chase the meat gazers away from the trailhead outhouses and ride through public parking and camp grounds to keep the peace.... but why the hell does any public agency need mil spec operartors on it's payroll.

It's not just BLM.... the IRS DOD DOE JUSTICE Treasury and every other "agency" has a enforcement group with military capability... Ask yourself why? The only thing these BLM agents have to be proud of is they did not start the NEXT REVOLUTION... and any patriots should have called in sick....


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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They should have never been there in that capacity to begin with, but hey it is coming to a town near you soon. With activists having filed a lawsuit to have the prairie chicken put on the endangered species list, the western part of the state, where they are drilling on private land, could virtually be in the same exact situation as Mr. Bundy if they succeed.


If that happens, it should effect the farmers, ranchers, oil & gas AND the wind farms equally. If they all stop bickering with each other long enough to address the issue in a unified manner, it should be pretty easy to prevail.

If not, well it sucks to be them.


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
If that happens, it should effect the farmers, ranchers, oil & gas AND the wind farms equally. If they all stop bickering with each other long enough to address the issue in a unified manner, it should be pretty easy to prevail.

If not, well it sucks to be them.

That's the point JB,,, not only Nevada but all states want local control of lands within their boundaries

God forbid... We'd sell some of this paradise and manage the rest for the profit of all and a little state taxable revenue without having roads closed on some BLM biologistswbims


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
They should have never been there in that capacity to begin with, but hey it is coming to a town near you soon. With activists having filed a lawsuit to have the prairie chicken put on the endangered species list, the western part of the state, where they are drilling on private land, could virtually be in the same exact situation as Mr. Bundy if they succeed.


If that happens, it should effect the farmers, ranchers, oil & gas AND the wind farms equally. If they all stop bickering with each other long enough to address the issue in a unified manner, it should be pretty easy to prevail.

If not, well it sucks to be them.

I hate to say it but, there are going to have to be more "Bundy incidents" happen before the .gov gets the message. I have followed the LPC deal for awhile and what the various state agencies, O&G companies, etc. are doing is a good thing. But they are just pissing into the wind. They are trying to head off the problem when in actuality the .gov doesn't give a rat's ass that their intentions are good, it will never be good enough and will never satiate the .gov's thirst for power. That's the bottom line.

To add to GTG's post, for the most part all of these interests can work hand in hand with the ranchers, they have and do in other areas . No reason at all that cows can't graze around a drill site, an elevated solar panel, etc. It's ALL about power and control.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 16, 2006
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I'm not sure that if I were in their shoes, in that situation, with things being the way that it was, that I would not have done it a different way.

They knew that if one single round went off on either side they weren’t going home alive. Period! Anyone with more than two cells rattling around in their brain housing unit would have backed down. Thank God nobody got stupid.

I can’t help but think there will be serious payback for this one after the media has forgotten about it all. I hope not.

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