Rant about a website that I had all my log in information correct that would not accept it!

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
I tried to log in to a website to pay my bill. Simple pimple right? Read on, brother.

I entered my username and password. It would not accept my username.
Now it asked for my assigned customer number issued to me on my card. I gave them that correct information. The website recognized my number and issued an email to my email address it had so I could recover my username. I DID NOT GET THE EMAIL.:anyone:

I tried again No go. I got the website to send a code to my phone, that worked. When I installed the code to recover my username, it displayed the exact username I was trying to use to sign in.

Well now, I inserted the username again and now it will not accept my password. I go to the reset password and get another code. I tried to use the same password and the website rejected it because it was a previous password.

:censored: :censored: :censored:

OK MUTHAFr! I'll give you a password. I gave them a 15-character password nobody could crack. No dice, it had some unacceptable characters. No, I didn't cuss, yet. It didn't like "!".

I am beyond steaming now. I try to get in to pay my bill in the accounting area and knowing my old card wasn't any good, I tried to add a new credit card. It would not accept the expiration date of 09/2027. WTF!


I try the virtual assistant and type in "real person" It tries to get me to use the AI POS chat and I keep typing real person until it relents.
It says ok, and transfers me to that chatroom but there is no real person available.

Rabula finally answers the 7th try for a real person.

I tell her/him what the problem was with the credit card and while she/he/it is typing, I unload about the strife their website caused me. I want to file a complaint. I'm so tired of websites deciding I am wrong when I try to sign in. We will see about this crap.

It, they, them, adds my expiration date to my card. Why the website wouldn't do that is beyond me.

They gave me a complaint number which I copied and wrote down on my password list. It said I would be contacted about the complaint, yeah right, and I have some oceanfront property in New Mexico to sell you.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Wife had a similar situation with a credit company. What she ended up doing was get a person on the phone, pay off the bill and then canceled the credit card. It was one of those that was only used for one purpose, similar to an Amazon credit card that only gets used for Amazon purchases. We really didn't use the card that much anyway, so it is no big loss.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
I'm more interested in that oceanfront property in New Mexico. Is it beachfront? How is the fishing? Can you take payments?
Yes, it is a beautiful beach with both white and black sands and where they mix it is grey. There is no demarcation line. No, I do not finance. You don't know me very well as I have posted several times I cannot fish, I just rust hooks. That's why I'm selling.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Speaking as an IT guy, that sounds like the website was targeting you. Bill Gates and the Soros NWO probably found out you didn't get the jab and are starting to implement their plan for revenge. I bet if you went to donate money to Kamala right now it'd work no problem.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
Same experience on an insurance website. Would not recognize the account number they gave me and would not recognize the email address they sent info to.
So is this a built in piss off the customer scenario? It just happens every other year or so? Is it a bug? Is it due to an "Upgrade?" This was always the case when one of our tech programs quit working. They did an automatic upgrade from Microslop and effed up everything.

I want to hear from an IT guru about this crap other than that lame upgrade excuse.

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