Stopped in at H&H today

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Don't forget the hamburgers! Those bikini girls that serve that stuff don't come cheap!!



Special Hen
Aug 19, 2009
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I'm not trying to start a peeing match here, but how many of you guys complaining about H&H's prices have ever tried to run a small business? I was in there yesterday, after the RK gun show that also has its fair share of discontented reviewers, and the place was packed. And the prices are a bit high, I admit. But the cost of all that inventory--all those guns, holsters, safes, clothing, ammo--high! The costs involved with being open 362 days a year--high! The operating costs--lights, heat and air, ventilation for the ranges, pay for all the employees on the floor, the insurance costs involved with stocking guns and operating a shooting range--all high! Any honest gun broker will tell you that new guns generally sell on a margin of 10% or less because of competition. Can you run a business on a 10% margin and keep the doors open--especially when you'd like to have a net profit of 10% to keep growing the business? Now I didn't go to business school, but I do manage a small business, and I will tell that you can't expect to make a 10% net profit on a 10% gross profit margin. The costs of running a business of that size are high, and I for one want to see them keep the doors open, so I'll pay their prices because it is a full service shop with a lot of product on the floor and a lot of amenities on offer.

I don't argue that they have high overhead but their margins are much more that 10%. For one, I think it's fair to assume they pay the same amount or less than any other small shop. If those shops are making a 10% profit then you go to H&H and it's $80 higher..... Well I don't think they're having any troubles turning a profit. Add on top of that the constantly packed range. If they are still barely turning a profit then maybe they could cut one or two of the people behind the counters or on the floor that are notorious for ignoring customers. I'll deal with a bad attitude if it comes with a good price but to me, H&H is the worst of both worlds.

On the positive note, their range seems top notch and they make a good cheeseburger.

I've never been to Gun World, but if it is truly worse then I'm glad I've avoided the place so far.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2010
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I'm not trying to start a peeing match here, but how many of you guys complaining about H&H's prices have ever tried to run a small business? I was in there yesterday, after the RK gun show that also has its fair share of discontented reviewers, and the place was packed. And the prices are a bit high, I admit. But the cost of all that inventory--all those guns, holsters, safes, clothing, ammo--high! The costs involved with being open 362 days a year--high! The operating costs--lights, heat and air, ventilation for the ranges, pay for all the employees on the floor, the insurance costs involved with stocking guns and operating a shooting range--all high! Any honest gun broker will tell you that new guns generally sell on a margin of 10% or less because of competition. Can you run a business on a 10% margin and keep the doors open--especially when you'd like to have a net profit of 10% to keep growing the business? Now I didn't go to business school, but I do manage a small business, and I will tell that you can't expect to make a 10% net profit on a 10% gross profit margin. The costs of running a business of that size are high, and I for one want to see them keep the doors open, so I'll pay their prices because it is a full service shop with a lot of product on the floor and a lot of amenities on offer.

I actually do own a small business and am proud to say we turn 10 years old this year. I rent mobile homes generators septics bathrooms yata, yata, yata. Heres the deal, a few years ago when the natgas was booming all my competitors (who are way bigger than I am) jacked their prices up simply because they could and basically stuck it to everyone. We kept our prices the same and now some of those competitors are out of business. The point I'm making is that in small business it's all about good products, service and loyalty. Just because it's another election year doesn't mean lets screw everybody we can. Think of it like this. If a huge box store that sold nothing but guns and ammo moved into OKC and undercut their competitors by a small margin then I assure you H&H would go belly up simply because people would then realize how much they had been taken advantage of. They show OKC no appreciation for their business therefore there would be no loyalty to them by the consumer.
Please hear me that I have no beef with this place in fact I love the range but it really got to me today, I felt just as I did the first time I walked into Gun World. I really it could be more about the gun enthusiast and less about the "election year". I will go back there but probably only to put my hands on a gun I will have to wait to be in stock at another store.


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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Kind of a supply and demand thing. They seemed to have survived and expanded while others have folded over the years. Will, Steve, and several others have always been helpful to me.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 20, 2010
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Kind of a supply and demand thing. They seemed to have survived and expanded while others have folded over the years. Will, Steve, and several others have always been helpful to me.

Same for me. They have much more than your average gun store, that cost money. And FYI, everything is cheaper on the internet...low overhead. If you wont pay the pricetag on something anywhere...then don't.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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I'm from Lawton, where we didn't even have a real gun store until a couple of years ago, so going to OKC to shop at H&H is like going to the carnival for me--and if I'm going to the carnival, I want it to be a big one, and I don't mind paying for the privilege. And H&H is a carnival--good food (love those cheeseburgers but didn't see the bikini girls), plenty of things to see, plenty of noise, plenty of creatures easy on the eyes, a feeling of excitement in the air from all the people in the same place at the same time, a couple of hours on the shooting range--all in all, it was an entertaining visit, and I'm glad that they are there and hope they stay. And I could have ordered my new gun belt on the 'Net, but I would have missed the carnival.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2010
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I agree Mightymouse. No matter what the cost I think it's important that we support our local stores. I've never bought a gun there but like I said it's a good place to see a variety great guns and even put your hands on them. I enjoy going in there but just wish I didn't have that I'm getting ready to be screwed feeling. And ya I feel your pain with your local shop, I went in there a while back and the kid running the place was more interested in bragging about his $10,000 AR than he was making a sell.
I still can't believe Lawton doesn't have a public range, talk about a money maker.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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I agree Mightymouse. No matter what the cost I think it's important that we support our local stores. I've never bought a gun there but like I said it's a good place to see a variety great guns and even put your hands on them. I enjoy going in there but just wish I didn't have that I'm getting ready to be screwed feeling. And ya I feel your pain with your local shop, I went in there a while back and the kid running the place was more interested in bragging about his $10,000 AR than he was making a sell.
I still can't believe Lawton doesn't have a public range, talk about a money maker.

Absolutely. If you can buy the same gun 2 miles down the street you should always buy it from the more expensive store. That's just how we do things in America. It's just patriotic to pay more......

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