Teachers And Staff With Guns. Could It Work In Oklahoma?

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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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My wife is a teacher, and her school now has armed teachers/administrators on campus. The ones armed have had some sort of advanced firearms training, and no one is supposed to know who they are.

I whole heartily support the program and think more schools should follow suit.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 12, 2008
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Lincoln Co.
My wife is a teacher, and her school now has armed teachers/administrators on campus. The ones armed have had some sort of advanced firearms training, and no one is supposed to know who they are.

I whole heartily support the program and think more schools should follow suit.

Bravo to the district's staff and school board. :clap3:


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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So, you think less taxes on us would allow you or your wife to stay home to teach your children and not submit them to so called indoctrination? Out of everything you're taxed, a teachers salary is the least of your concerns.

Being a teacher is one of the hardest, lowest paying jobs out there. You obviously have no respect for what they do and deal with on a daily basis. I feel your anger towards the Gov is ill placed.

Well, I have an issue with the .gov and my anger is well placed. I have not contributed to the spawn, and I sure as hell don't know why I'm paying to educate other people's kids. It becomes even more painful when I have to deal with the product of government education on a daily basis. I often believe I involuntarily paid for someone else's stupid.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2010
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No. When seconds count the police are just minutes away.

When seconds count the armed teachers are on a field trip, or taking a sick day, or at the other end of the school. Although arming teachers, or more specifically allowing teacher that would like to and would like additional training to carry will help it is only part of the answer.

The only number I could find for total handgun permits in Oklahoma was approximate 150k with our population being 3.8mil. So about 5% of people have a permit and I would venture to say that even less carry more than 2 days a week. If you look at the OSBI report for number of permits approved by year it is almost 2 to 1 men versus women. Teaching has generally been a profession of more women than men. If this trend were to hold true in the teaching profession you would have less that 5% of teachers that would even want to get the training, and even fewer that would carry on a daily basis. I realize that this is not scientific at all and could be completely different in reality. Even if teachers that want to carry, are qualified to carry, and carry more than 50% of the time the number is still going to be maybe 5-7 per 100 teachers on the high end.

Right now there are plenty of school districts with their own police departments and armed security. In many of those schools the resource officers as they are called are too busy doing the teachers job of discipline because the teachers dont want to confront the teenage student. Are they really going to want to confront an armed assailant?

Arming teachers has the possibility to help, however it is not the silver bullet to solve the problem.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
So, you think less taxes on us would allow you or your wife to stay home to teach your children and not submit them to so called indoctrination? Out of everything you're taxed, a teachers salary is the least of your concerns.

Being a teacher is one of the hardest, lowest paying jobs out there. You obviously have no respect for what they do and deal with on a daily basis. I feel your anger towards the Gov is ill placed.

Fortunately I don't have children. Unfortunately I'm paying your wife's salary. All government employees are an accessory to theft, including teachers. Their is no moral authority for a mob to take my property, skim off a portion for themselves and then passing it on to their hires. "Thou shalt not steal" seems to be a concept few understand. But I take comfort that kharma will even things out in the end. And spare me the tears of your wife's tribulations... she chose her path and has no qualms with being a part of a socialist agenda as is every other person on this forum who supports government employees at any level. Theft is theft, end of story.


Special Hen
May 26, 2011
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Fortunately I don't have children. Unfortunately I'm paying your wife's salary. All government employees are an accessory to theft, including teachers. Their is no moral authority for a mob to take my property, skim off a portion for themselves and then passing it on to their hires. "Thou shalt not steal" seems to be a concept few understand. But I take comfort that kharma will even things out in the end. And spare me the tears of your wife's tribulations... she chose her path and has no qualms with being a part of a socialist agenda as is every other person on this forum who supports government employees at any level. Theft is theft, end of story.

In that case you would be fine with no police on the streets. No roads to drive on and no traffic signals. No military to protect your freedoms. No prisons to house criminals. No one to inspect the food that you eat everyday. No water coming out of your faucet. The list goes on. Do I think we are taxed too much? Yes. However, having no taxes at all just wouldn't work. You're an idiot if you think it would.

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