Thinking about what was normal growing up.

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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There are restaurants right now where you can go in, order from a "kiosk" at the booth or table, then pay for your meal on said kiosk with your smartwatch, never having to so much as pull out your wallet.

Actually I can't. Don't go to any such restaurant or McCrap. Don't have, don't want, don't have use for any such device.

I have been (slowly, it seems) getting back to the habit of cash. I am much more aware of what I have spent.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 15, 2010
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Unfixed Arrow
I miss:
Riding in the truck bed
Shopping at the five & dime store
Playing guns and army outside
The ice cream truck
Balsa wood airplanes
Being the tv remote
Old fashioned snow cones
Food without HFCS
Getting out of Sam’s/Walmart for under $100
Shopping in catalogs and highlighting gift ideas for mom to buy
Playing little league baseball
Shooting Roman candles. At each other


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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I miss:
Riding in the truck bed
Shopping at the five & dime store
Playing guns and army outside
The ice cream truck
Balsa wood airplanes
Being the tv remote
Old fashioned snow cones
Food without HFCS
Getting out of Sam’s/Walmart for under $100
Shopping in catalogs and highlighting gift ideas for mom to buy
Playing little league baseball
Shooting Roman candles. At each other

That $100 was $10 in 1963, $20 in '83.

Bought Wif a brand new Suburban in '86, loaded out, everything on it, out the door $18k. Hottest selling thing on the road. Ordered a '89 F250, loaded $16k. Paid cash.
Today, $80-$100k +, not anywhere in my scope of thoughts for purchase. Salaries have not kept up.

Seen an account on Lee Harvey Oswald, stated he purchased his Carcano for $19.95 in '63. He must have got it at Bass Pro. We had a Fed-Mart that sold them for $5. 03A3 Springfields for $10 and '98 Mauser for $12.

A total reset or drastic change is our only chance. I don't know we would survive either.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 27, 2020
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In your momma’s bedroom.
Stumbled across this info yesterday. I thought it was kind of a cool history of the past few decades. I remember the Dick Tracey watch phone from the cartoons when I was a kid. Thought it was pretty cool back then. These days they are a distraction. 😁





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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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I remember hearing my elders talk about how much the world changed since they were kids.

Now I hear myself talking about how much
things have changed since I was a kid.

A question for the board.

How wierd is it going to be?

Thirty Years From Now…..

In the future, the world’s nations, societies and diversified cultures (as we know them) will be gone. Stress caused by an even more enormous world population than we have now will tear the fabric of humanity apart.

Overpopulation brings out the worst in rats and men. In response to the inevitable failure of governments to satisfy the endless demands of non-productive populations and inability to control them, those with wealth and power will retreat to areas where they can be safe. They’ll secure themselves in isolation apart from the low class rabble whom are competing for earth’s dwindling resources for food, clothing, shelter and energy.

In the outerland regions, beyond the enclaves of the elite, forests and trees will be stripped for heating and fuel for cooking the last edibles that can be foraged from the natural world. In the chaos, feudal estates cemented with brute force wielded by natural born, modern day warriors who call upon their primordial instincts to conquer and control those within their limited domains.

The regions occupied by the elite will be bizarre worlds where defense and security along with life’s essentials and comforts are provided by technologically advanced robotic systems. Autonomous devices will also range beyond their enclaves to obtain resources required to maintain the conditions desired by the elite.

The world’s human population will plummet to a small fraction of its current number due to starvation, disease, exposure and violent conflicts. It’s probable that, if populations in the outlands are believed by the elite to constitute a threat, annoyance, or perhaps just a simple inconvenience, their autonomous devices will be unleashed on the feudal compounds and will hunt those surviving in the wilds to eradicate them as sources of pestilence.

In my opinion, society’s changes, and the trends they suggest, predict demonstrate humankind has lost its way along with the essence of its soul. In fact, it now appears so far gone that it’s probably beyond recovery. Like our dinosaur predecessors, the time is rapidly approaching when the most merciful thing that could happen would be for a massive comet impact to put everyone on this God forsaken planet out of their misery…..
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