Awesome! Looks like you've overcome the biggest hurdle, getting her interested.
It's been an ongoing process during our 6+ years of marriage. Her mind set is much different than mine not only gun rights but rights of the individual in general. I'll attribute this to the socialization of Canada where group rights prevail above individual rights. She's very receptive to learning as it's all new to her. And shooting firearms has her understanding the signifigance of individual rights. She's posts her thoughts and photos of her shooting firearms on Facebook for her family and friends (all living in Canada) to read. No doubt they don't understand it but who knows... maybe it'll cause them to think.
My only regret is that while she's now a legal green card holder, the state of Oklahoma discriminates against her (and other LEGAL residents) since she's not a US citizen by not allowing her to have a conceal carry permit under violation of the 14th Amendment. And since she has to wait five years before she can apply for US citizenship (which she intends to do), she is unable to protect herself outside of our home when we are apart during those next five years.