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Nov 9, 2009
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He could have gone on to say... "And even more blessed are those who were fortunate enough to witness all of this."

Yet He didn't.

The issue with the atheists on this board is that they want a god who fits their idea of what a god should be...one that says the things they want to hear, does the things they want to see done, acts the way they want him to act. You basically want a politician. God isn't a politician.

Next time you create a universe, you can make whatever rules you want.

120 Acres

Special Hen
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
I got one for you, its always bugged me.

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Who is US?
Who heard these words to write down?

There is only one answer.


Jan 19, 2007
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Yet He didn't.

The issue with the atheists on this board is that they want a god who fits their idea of what a god should be...one that says the things they want to hear, does the things they want to see done, acts the way they want him to act. You basically want a politician. God isn't a politician.

Next time you create a universe, you can make whatever rules you want.

No, he didn't but it's inherent. Those people saw the evidence of the creator with their own eyes. Their faith was easy. You'd believe in superman too if you saw him use his X-Ray vision or pick up a bus. But no, your god distracts by pointing out that those who have no seen are blessed.... "Don't look over here, look over there!" He doesn't want you to consider them lucky to to witness all those miracles (it goes against his God shows no favoritism policy).... Sneeky guy.

As for creating universes... There's no evidence he did... Extraordinary claims lacking extraordinary evidence can be dismissed without evidence. And before you go off claiming he created the universe, you're going to first need to prove he exists... You're putting the carriage before the horse.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Some would contend the reluctance to discuss these issues and others, or just consider them "part of the past" is an attempt to lessen them.
I do agree with you one could make similar arguments about America, and there we often see again the same attitudes, either it didn't happen or doesn't matter because it's in the past. And we certainly don't want to discuss if they still occur.

The core beliefs of Americanism justify our pride, is pride Christian or Biblical? And do those core beliefs really exist and operate as we would wish to believe?

We hear the same argument with many issues, ignore them and just focus on the good, but if we do that will the bad go away or is it likely to get worse? If we follow this line of reason and action are we then not at fault for the results?

Looks like you are dodging the main point: As I understand it, you contend that Christianity should be rejected based on numerous evil acts by Christians and Christian churches. The same source that you cited to prove that Christianity is bad based on Christian acts of hatred toward Jews can also be used to "prove" that America is bad based on American war crimes, massacres of native peoples etc.. Many vile acts have been committed by Americans. The core beliefs of Americanism are proven to be wrong if we follow your logic. Or is it possible that the core beliefs of Christianity are true or at least "valid" and worthy of respect in spite of the bad acts of Christians past and present?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Great post. And you are so right about losing your faith in a place like Oklahoma... It is in fact, not easy at all. The fall-out can be life changing due to the ostricizing the Christian community and even family can deal out. I've said it before and I'll say it again... For many, Christianity is really just another form of tribalism. If you're loyal to the faith, they're loyal to you, leave it and the tribe leaves you. Their devotion isn't to you as a person... It never was.

This guy.... gets it.


Nov 9, 2009
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No, he didn't but it's inherent. Those people saw the evidence of the creator with their own eyes. Their faith was easy. You'd believe in superman too if you saw him use his X-Ray vision or pick up a bus. But no, your god distracts by pointing out that those who have no seen are blessed....

Hence His quote that those who have NOT seen, but have believed, are blessed.

"Don't look over here, look over there!" He doesn't want you to consider them lucky to to witness all those miracles (it goes against his God shows no favoritism policy).... Sneeky guy.

There's no hint of any kind of distraction at all in that quote from Scripture. I don't know where you saw that at. If He didn't want people to see Him, He wouldn't have performed so many miracles while He was on the Earth.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2014
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se okc / tinker aea
I have a question for the christians on this board.

Who created the creator? Or how did "god" become into existence? There really is no proof that he is everlasting as the bible says, so let's overcome that man made hurdle.

I am no Christian so I hope you don't mind my reply. You are asking straight forward simple questions...that aren't so simple to answer. They are unanswerable from the unfortunate 99.9% of Christians that couldn't care less about metaphysics and theology but blindly follow brother bill's (or whoever) interpretation of an already edited and translated interpretation. I am again just posting some quotes that are relative to your questions and have helped satisfy my desire for answers. I also have a few questions for you, Do you believe in the existence of spirit? That man is a combination of body (material existence), mind (mental existence), and soul (spiritual existence)?

"The Hermetists believe and teach that THE ALL, "in itself," is and must ever be UNKNOWABLE. They regard all the theories, guesses and speculations of the theologians and metaphysicians regarding the inner nature of THE ALL, as but the childish efforts of mortal minds to grasp the secret of the Infinite. Such efforts have always failed and will always fail, from the very nature of the task. One pursuing such inquiries travels around and around in the labyrinth of thought, until he is lost to all sane reasoning, action or conduct, and is utterly unfitted for the work of life. He is like the squirrel which frantically runs around and around the circling treadmill wheel of his cage, traveling ever and yet reaching nowhere--at the end a prisoner still, and standing just where he started.

THE ALL must be INFINITE, for there is nothing else
to define, confine, bound, limit; or restrict THE ALL.
It must be Infinite in Time, or ETERNAL,--it must have
always continuously existed, for there is nothing else to
have ever created it, and something can never evolve from
nothing, and if it had ever "not been," even for a moment,
it would not "be" now,--it must continuously exist forever,
for there is nothing to destroy it, and it can never
"not-be," even for a moment, because something can never
become nothing. It must be Infinite in Space--it must be
Everywhere, for there is no place outside of THE ALL--it
cannot be otherwise than continuous in Space, without break,
cessation, separation, or interruption, for there is nothing
to break, separate, or interrupt its continuity, and nothing
with which to "fill in the gaps." It must be Infinite in
Power, or Absolute, for there is nothing to limit, restrict,
restrain, confine, disturb or condition it--it is subject to
no other Power, for there is no other Power.

THE ALL is SPIRIT! But what is Spirit? This question cannot be answered, for the reason that its definition is practically that of THE ALL, which cannot be explained or defined. Spirit is simply a name that men give to the highest conception of Infinite Living Mind--it means "the Real Essence"--it means Living Mind, as much superior to Life and Mind as we know them, as the latter are superior to mechanical Energy and Matter. Spirit transcends our understanding, and we use the term merely that we may think or speak of THE ALL. For the purposes of thought and understanding, we are justified in thinking of Spirit as Infinite Living Mind, at the same time acknowledging that we cannot fully understand it. We must either do this or stop thinking of the matter at all."


Jan 19, 2007
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Hence His quote that those who have NOT seen, but have believed, are blessed.

That's my point... No they're not. Those that were really blessed are the ones who saw him work his magic with their own eyes. But you believe his lie. He's directing your attention over there and you believe him. "Look, over there, it's a giant, Johnson!!! What's that on the radar? I dunno, but it looks like a giant Wang! Pay attention!!!"

There's no hint of any kind of distraction at all in that quote from Scripture. I don't know where you saw that at. If He didn't want people to see Him, He wouldn't have performed so many miracles while He was on the Earth.

I think you missed my point which I just re-emphasized above.

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