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El Pablo

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Apr 5, 2007
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When the medium of communication that 90% of people use is in private hands...and those private corporations are shutting down others...we are seeing suppression of free speech in a very practical sense. is in alignment with the Left.

If you can only use smoke signals and carrier pigeons but not the cloud then in a very real and practical sense free speech does not exist.
It should be noted that in England you can be arrested for anything considered hate speech.
These private companies are kicking out the left, right, center and anyone else that violates their rules. Trump was given far more leeway due to being pres. the right just doesn’t notice the left being booted too. I posted examples of 1500 left accounts getting booted in2018.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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1) I did not know I was being trolled until one of you pointed it out.
2) I was on Twitter until a few months ago. I personally saw many calls for violence from the lefties that were never banned. BLM, Antifa, hell even the Iranians calling for the deaths of Jews and Trump is allowed, but not Republicans saying the election was stolen. Make no mistake, that is what is getting people banned.
Yeah, that's part of the problem. You didn't think about it. Just heard it, and came here to the echo chamber instead of taking literally seconds to click on the account and vet the information even just the slightest little bit. That is 100% how all the fake news starts spreading --- through people being careless and not understanding something but then passing it along as fact, or people maliciously planting information that people are careless about and will pass it along as fact.

It's the same crap going with the election as a whole right now. DJT, Rudy and all the circle spreading information about rigged elections but they can't get anywhere in court. Why? Because in the media they can say anything --- no consequences. But in court, under oath, there are real consequences for lying, and you're supposed to have evidence. But how many people that believe all the election stolen stuff have investigated? Truly looked into it rather than relying on misinformation spreading?

Heck, even in this thread after it being pointed out multiple times that it was a troll the original post hasn't been edited to say "whoops, this was false, I got trolled". Nope? Post one is still right there with a claim that Amazon said bad stuff.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Why does free speech matter? It's not really a protected right as you describe. Free Speech as a right only means the free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference and restraint by the government.

But we're a society of capitalists. There's no protection from consequences of your speech over in private America. Whether that means your precious twitter account gets shut down, the Parler gets shut down, job gets lost, whatever. In this bold land of capitalism the strong survive and eat the weak. And apparently one side is stronger than the other. Or much much smarter to control all those communication channels.
The founders envisioned people being able to speak effectively in such a manner as to be heard by the public. What we see happening now is the forming of an effective monopoly of the means of speech to the public. (We do not gather on the public square anymore) It is very much political in nature, even though nominally being done by private enterprise (The big tech robber baron monopolists)

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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The founders envisioned people being able to speak effectively in such a manner as to be heard by the public. What we see happening now is the forming of an effective monopoly of the means of speech to the public. (We do not gather on the public square anymore) It is very much political in nature, even though nominally being done by private enterprise (The big tech robber baron monopolists)
Oh, so we should seize the means of communication huh? Socialize it into the public domain? Make sure that Big Daddy Government protects our rights against evil private companies? Or what are you trying to say here? Either private companies and persons can conduct their business freely or they can't. Just because you don't like it doesn't means that it's not Constitutional.

Is there anyone saying you can't speak to the public? No. But you have to do it according to the terms of that private company. Trump for instance seems to think he's been muzzled. Oddly though, he hasn't seemed to give press conferences, video addresses, radio addresses, or any other types of addresses to us recently. So the one person that has a built in way of communicating either has nothing to say or wants to be a petulant child because he can't have it his way when a private company, who can do as they wish under current law, banned him.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Yeah, that's part of the problem. You didn't think about it. Just heard it, and came here to the echo chamber instead of taking literally seconds to click on the account and vet the information even just the slightest little bit. That is 100% how all the fake news starts spreading --- through people being careless and not understanding something but then passing it along as fact, or people maliciously planting information that people are careless about and will pass it along as fact.

It's the same crap going with the election as a whole right now. DJT, Rudy and all the circle spreading information about rigged elections but they can't get anywhere in court. Why? Because in the media they can say anything --- no consequences. But in court, under oath, there are real consequences for lying, and you're supposed to have evidence. But how many people that believe all the election stolen stuff have investigated? Truly looked into it rather than relying on misinformation spreading?

Heck, even in this thread after it being pointed out multiple times that it was a troll the original post hasn't been edited to say "whoops, this was false, I got trolled". Nope? Post one is still right there with a claim that Amazon said bad stuff.

You are right, I didn't think about it being fake. Maybe I am to honest (but I doubt it) I am just not use to so much lying and fake crap that goes on nowadays. Which is probably why I replied to him later on in the thread about hiding in his mom's basement trying to jump thru his fist while looking at pictures of Hillary.

I admit I was a BG in my young and wild days, but back then only penny ante scum pulled crap like that. Guess I have to learn not to take people at their word.

As far as the original post, good point. I never even thought about changing it, just getting back at the guy that trolled me. Really funny Amazon has not deleted the whole thread on their FB page.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Now then, as far as Amazon shutting down Parler on their servers. It is their right. It is also my right to tell them to go screw themselves and to shop elsewhere.

The really funny part, Parler was not censoring left wing speech either. Amazon did not get involved until it was very plain that a lot of people think the election was stolen and were talking about it. I have been banned from 2 left wing sites for saying I think the election was stolen. The Democrats are doing everything they can to silence that idea.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Now then, as far as Amazon shutting down Parler on their servers. It is their right. It is also my right to tell them to go screw themselves and to shop elsewhere.

The really funny part, Parler was not censoring left wing speech either. Amazon did not get involved until it was very plain that a lot of people think the election was stolen and were talking about it. I have been banned from 2 left wing sites for saying I think the election was stolen. The Democrats are doing everything they can to silence that idea.
I'm pretty sure Amazon and others got involved when Parler was actively being used to plan insurrections against the US Government. The fact that those same people believed the election was stolen is correlation, not causation here.

Edit: Forgot to mention that you are 100% right on one thing --- you can 100% tell them to screw themselves and shop elsewhere. I have really tried to avoid Amazon for like three years now though for other reasons.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I'm pretty sure Amazon and others got involved when Parler was actively being used to plan insurrections against the US Government. The fact that those same people believed the election was stolen is correlation, not causation here.

Isn't it funny how BLM, Antifa rioting looting and burning is Mostly Peaceful Protest. But Republicans planning a real mostly peaceful protest are insurrection? I never read anything about people taking up arms and overthrowing the government. That is insurrection. not a bunch of people protesting and breaking a few windows. Yes 2 people were killed because of the protest and that is wrong. BLM protest have killed dozens.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Isn't it funny how BLM, Antifa rioting looting and burning is Mostly Peaceful Protest. But Republicans planning a real mostly peaceful protest are insurrection? I never read anything about people taking up arms and overthrowing the government. That is insurrection. not a bunch of people protesting and breaking a few windows. Yes 2 people were killed because of the protest and that is wrong. BLM protest have killed dozens.
It's amazing to see how this has played out. First it was a peaceful protest, then it was angry people in the capitol, then it was "Antifa dressed as Trump supporters", etc etc. The story keeps changing. I've seen multiple calls for active violent overthrow in the last few days, and multiple sources are reporting this.

Even on this site, just months ago when people kept getting told Portland is burning (It's not, I've been there) everyone was ready to send the jackboots against them. The same ones who are oddly on video instigating most of the confrontations. Everyone was ready to "lock them up! Lock them up!" at the Federal courthouses in Portland but seem to excuse this. Which as an aside is funny because Trump's tweet IIRC was:

“Anarchists, Agitators or Protestors who vandalize or damage our Federal Courthouse in Portland, or any Federal Buildings in any of our Cities or States, will be prosecuted under our recently re-enacted Statues & Monuments Act. MINIMUM TEN YEARS IN PRISON. Don’t do it! @DHSgov,”

So all the people that were there in the Capitol just breaking in, stealing podiums, mail, and AOC's shoes and breaking windows and such should be prosecuted for 10 years minimum because of the person they were supporting wanting to show force in "Blue States".

And the whole "2 people thing" --- I go back to the argument I pose over and over on this site. Do you want to sink to the level your PERCEIVE your opponent to be on, or be better? Because saying "oh, it's okay, just two people were killed" (there were 5 btw) is halfway to a multi-year multi-million dollar Benghazi investigation. Remember there were only 4 people killed there. But I suppose that's not important because it was on Obama's watch halfway around the world.

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