Chuba Hubbard now doesnt want to play for Gundy...

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Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
Entire Oklahoma State Team To Boycott Season After Mike Gundy Seen In NCAA Shirt

STILLWATER, OK—Condemning the choice to promote such a blatantly bigoted organization, the entire Oklahoma State football team announced their intention Tuesday to boycott the season after Coach Mike Gundy was seen wearing an NCAA shirt. “The NCAA logo represents the very exploitation and racial injustice so many of us are fighting against, and it’s disgusting that Coach Gundy would promote them,” said running back Chuba Hubbard, who claimed every single player had vowed to take a stand and sit out the upcoming season unless Gundy changed the culture that would allow such a vile display of hatred. “We feel betrayed. With everything going on, it’s just unacceptable to not understand the oppression the NCAA stands for. We are working every day to bring about change in this world, and yet the person who leads us is so clueless that he goes and wears a shirt that might as well say, ‘I like racism.’ Until Coach Gundy can show he understands what the NCAA stands for, we will not be suiting up.” At press time, the team had also vowed not to resume play until Oklahoma State disassociated itself from the state of Oklahoma.



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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
So much blame to spread around. Freedom of speech comes to mind right off the block, and I’m sure if it had been a BLM shirt all would have been fine, no matter how many white players were offended. OAN isn’t just a right leaning network. They have made some pretty damning accusations against the BLM organization, so they deserve the scorn. But, then we have left leaning news outlets making statements of the same low quality. Gundy probably didn’t know much about OAN.

Read some of the statements here everyday. We can get pretty offended ourselves.

To quote that famous statesman, Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?”.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
OAN is a broadcast network too, you can find it on DirectTV and maybe Dish, but you can't stream it.
They have youtube and and website.
They're a young, poorly funded conservative news/opinion source that I listen to once in a while. They surely don't need to be shut down by the mob.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Too soon?



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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Highly debatable when that's part of the job you knew you signed up for. I'm not saying he can't hold to his beliefs. I'm just saying it's incredibly foolish (if deliberate) or naive (if not) to not cull your wardrobe when arguably the largest contributor to your success is courting the kids from Houston and South Dallas to come play ball for your school.

Discretion is the better part of valor, and you can be proud of picking your battles even while holding on to your personal beliefs.

Come on now. Let’s get real about this incident.
For beginners I’m betting the farm that T-shirt was just one of the many T-shirts that get handed out like candy during events. I’m betting you have some of the same in your closet. I do and use them as utility shirts for mowing, fishing etc.
he didn’t put the shirt on as an overt racist act. It was just the next one on the hanger and some thug from the hood gets triggered over seeing it and causes a national uproar over a conservative news outlet?
Am I supposed to create a stink if I see my boss in a CNN shirt and force an apology from him? My white a$$ would be fired in a heart beat with any memory of me swept under the rug.
If Gundy had any balls he would have kicked him off the team and wished him good riddance.
Stoops kicked out or suspended several super star players. He showed what it took to be a man first and a coach second.
Oh BTW did you see Gundy on his second of many appearances on the apology tour he’s on?
The poor beat down relic of a man symbolically took both knees and licked the feet of the thug.
I was embarrassed for him.

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