This is just another silly fgst thread.
Grow a set of balls be a real man and accept that homosexuals are thinking intelligent and patriotic too.
Gays want to serve in the military right up until the point that they get deployment orders, then all of a sudden it won't be a game anymore.
I keep trying to figure out what is so wrong with doing away with DADT? I have known some gay men who you would never know were gay, the gay movement isn't the flamboyant extremist flamers that parade around half naked. Just like the majority of heterosexuals don't walk around looking and acting like he man clubbing women over the head to drag them back to a cave.
Most gays are like normal people you interact with every day that have been driven to identify with the libs because the chest thumping republicans are too afraid that such deviant behavior might tarnish them.
Grow a set of balls be a real man and accept that homosexuals are thinking intelligent and patriotic too.
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