Ever think about retiring to another country?

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Special Hen
Jan 12, 2017
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Tuttle, OK
I would consider very carefully the level of medical care outside the US. For all the flaws of our system it still is the best in the world and obviously as we get older, we rely on that system.

Next, I would definitely consider taking a very extended vacation to wherever you you are considering. No less than six months. Let that honeymoon period wear off and see if things really are greener on the other side of the fence before you commit.
Exactly. Friends of ours from CO moved to Puerto Vallarta maybe 2 years ago with 2 daughters around 5 and 8(wife knows all the birthdays and such, I just pay Amazon for their gifts)! Said the rainy season is tough on them mentally. Stuck inside quite a bit I guess. Still say it was a good move for them and their girls are both speaking Spanish very well! They kept their house in CO and come back a couple of times a year. Plan is to stay one more year so the girls have 3 years of Spanish.

It's not guns or violence or lack of healthcare as reasons - just homesick. Miss the mountains, fresh air, hiking and of course friends/family. We'll never pack up and move but a month here then a month there are definitely in our retirement plans.

Chief Sapulpa

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 9, 2011
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Where they bust the sod in South Tulsa County.
Our good friends from League City are Expat Canadians. She was born in the Azores. She would not go back there to live. He's applying for US Citizenship. They got swindled on a some land deals in Belize and they'll never be made whole on that fiasco. They like OK a lot and may retire here.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Our good friends from League City are Expat Canadians. She was born in the Azores. She would not go back there to live. He's applying for US Citizenship. They got swindled on a some land deals in Belize and they'll never be made whole on that fiasco. They like OK a lot and may retire here.
Now is a good time to get out of League City. Moving north, it will take some time to get out of town / traffic.


Special Hen
Jul 5, 2021
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st Louis
Have a buddy and his new girlfriend talking Costa Rica. Made me think.

View attachment 510194
Why do young professionals that over achieve their wildest dreams in America hate America so vehemently, chose to take their wealth, retire elsewhere? DumbFu*kAcademiaSyndrome??? Son and DIL went to Portugal, seems attractive for professional retirees, for two months this year. I'm thinking they are considering for retirement. They are 48/51yo semi-retired Dr/Atty. Then, they went to Costa Rica for 6 weeks visiting one of his med school friends who are semi-retired. Son said their home on the beach was the most magnificent home he had ever seen, with fantastic views. But, they weren't impressed with Costa Rica, not a consideration. Would hate to see them go, as they are literally my only family left, didn't give me gkiddos, gma would have been irately disappointed were she alive. But, I told them if they hate America, they should leave, leave their wealth behind, try to duplicate their success where ever they choose. Not well received. "AMERICA, A COUNTRY SO GREAT, EVEN ITS HATERS WON'T LEAVE!!!!" Tee from lilicloth.com.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 26, 2009
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No. There is no other place I could even come close to doing my firearms hobby in it's current state. Not even Switzerland or the Czech Republic.

Having said that I would love to have a vacation house in the Alps somewhere. Preferably Switzerland


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 21, 2015
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In my mid/late 40's I semi-retired. Sold everything I had here in OK and bought a sailboat in FL. Spent about a year cruising through the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos and onto the Dominican Republic. Ended up spending 7 years there, getting married and having a son. Moved my family back here 12 years ago, but after my son graduates we are looking at options in other countries, maybe back to the DR or a similar climate. Many people invest in a nice sailboat after retiring. Retiring on a nice boat gives you the opportunity to spend time in all the countries that have been mentioned here. Many end up anchored somewhere, fall in love with the country, sell the boat, buy a place there and settle down. It's a great lifestyle and I'm working to get back to it as soon as my son graduates and I can talk to wife into it. Now with Starlink, you can also remote work and always stay connected. Just a thought.

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