Good idea, you don't want the DOJ calling you an extremist and coming after you.I better just zip it before I get a warning for saying what I think of more taxes.
Good idea, you don't want the DOJ calling you an extremist and coming after you.I better just zip it before I get a warning for saying what I think of more taxes.
HUSH they will be wanting to put odometers on your shoes next and tax thatNo one has mentioned milage on motorcycles, scooters or even bicycles... If the dEmocrats can think of it, they'll tax it.
Great idea some shady car lots used in the past, but won’t work in this digital world.Time to buy that classic and grab the DeWalt and roll er back. Then the state will owe me!
That reminds me of when the guv handed out $200, vouchers to 'po' people for buying the new mandated flat-screen TV's.Let's not forget that they are handing people $7500 for buying an EV vehicle our of everyone's tax dollars too.
Well I don't know about your electric bill, but according to mine (OG&E) I'm already paying a tax on my electric usageThey will do a study on tracking mileage and then say there was too much resistance from the commoners. Then they'll say the only FAIR way is to tax all electricity usage instead so every time I make toast at home I'm taxed. Just think of all the new revenue from weld shops alone!
From what I heard this was going to implemented on EVs only. Believe WA has a flat tax for EV and was going to do a voluntary mileage deal if someone might pay less that way.The idea of taxing by the mile isn't new. That has been studied and maybe implemented on a small scale in the Pacific Northwest.
Politicians see We The Little Peeps money as theirs' to skim, scam, squander and with which to buy votes.Toll roads for the win!
Not really.
...geez, this nickel-and-dimeing people to death gets real old real fast.