Please OSA, tell me I misunderstood the news! Please!

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Special Hen
Apr 5, 2009
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In a hotel near you
Well played as usual. Ill come back later when he can bring his full effort.

Never argue with ignernt folk! It's like teaching a pig to sing, they will only sing about delicious pig.

Yes. It's just that they have approached many social issues from a very dogmatic and, frankly, unpleasant position. Consequently, they are pilloried in the media as hate-filled extremists. Moderates, and young voters are turned off.

Have to disagree, moderates might be, but there are a ton of young voters both here on OSA and at large that are trending toward "independent". ie. Dr. Paul. (We need a weed emoticon)

That's because low information voters are spoon fed an agenda by the liberal media and they can't be bothered to find out what is true or false for themselves.

I don't know of anyone personally that gets news from television, granted it is fed via non-news outlets like SNL and Colbert but I still consider those folk "low information". Oh! I forgot my grand parents, they dig the "news".

You think those that sit and let Beck or Limbaugh be systematically be piped into their brains for 6 hours a day are any better?

This goes both ways. Anyone who relies on singular news sources for their information should rightly be called a low information voter. And the biased media is just as pervasive on both sides of the political spectrum.

Systemically piped in to their brain? That sounds painful and we can agree.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: Show me a low information voter, and I'll show you a person that doesn't know who won the custody dispute over Anna Nicole's baby.

Who the heck is Anna Nicole?

Thanks Spata for teaching me to multi-quote! Now I'm a menace.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
You think those that sit and let Beck or Limbaugh be systematically be piped into their brains for 6 hours a day are any better?

This goes both ways. Anyone who relies on singular news sources for their information should rightly be called a low information voter. And the biased media is just as pervasive on both sides of the political spectrum.

If you actually listened to any of those commentators, you would know that they generally report on what the media has said, or what the democrats have done from news stories before they make their own comments. So, if you are listening carefully, you will hear both the left and right sides of the story. Then, if you take it as you should and check out other sources to see verification is there, you would actually be doing a better job of journalism than what the left-wing journalists do. Also, one would be a far cry from a "low information voter."

I have to agree with this.

As far as Hobbes claiming that the Dems passed a budget this year and wanted a conference committee with the House, did you notice in his link that the Dems said that they refused to work out the differences between the two bills? Yes the Dems sort of passed a budget by avoiding all the hard parts, then gave the House an option of accepting it or nothing.

So, in your opinion, a person who was unaware that the dems passed a budget this year would be a 'low information voter' if he claimed they didn't?

If you are back to referring to me, you've obviously missed me saying that "yes - the Senate passed a budget." But, did you read RickN's comment just above? And you seem to want to harp on one possibility of someone (likely me) not saying the Senate passed a budget and ignoring the truth of FOUR (4) years when the Senate didn't. And, yes.....I know you finally admitted that they did fail in their responsibilities, but anyone not reading ALL of this 10 page (so far) forum thread has missed some context and your comment makes it sound like I am negligent in my comments.

Now, for further education as to who is at fault for the shutdown, a column written by Thomas Sowell, noted economist, is available on his website on the subject of the shutdown. Dr. Sowell is a very persuasive and intelligent man.

Thomas Sowell - Who Shut Down the Government

Oh, and Dr. Sowell's comments explain just who is responsible for what is to be spent, and also that the Senate and President are out of line.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Never argue with ignernt folk! It's like teaching a pig to sing, they will only sing about delicious pig.

Have to disagree, moderates might be, but there are a ton of young voters both here on OSA and at large that are trending toward "independent". ie. Dr. Paul. (We need a weed emoticon)

I don't know of anyone personally that gets news from television, granted it is fed via non-news outlets like SNL and Colbert but I still consider those folk "low information". Oh! I forgot my grand parents, they dig the "news".

Systemically piped in to their brain? That sounds painful and we can agree.

Who the heck is Anna Nicole?

Thanks Spata for teaching me to multi-quote! Now I'm a menace.

That's Tiger Woods ex-wife.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Actually can tell you who Anna Nicole is, where her baby ended up, what Honey Bo bo had for lunch, etc. They can not tell you which party controls congress, that Obamacare has penalties for not buying insurance, how far in debt the country is, etc.

In other words, they know the unimportant crap and what is spoon fed them, and not much else.


Special Hen
Apr 5, 2009
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In a hotel near you
I just want to live in America where we don't need MoveOn, Acorn or the Tea Party.

I want a country where civic pride and patriotism are seen as virtues.

I want a country where kids who participate in Boy and Girl Scouts and church groups aren't laughed at as nerds and losers.

I want a country where we come together (whatever our ethnic backgrounds) to punish criminals for their wrongdoings.

Where there is no talk of black on white crime and white on black crime. Where a criminal is just a criminal, no matter the hue of his skin.

I want a country where hard work and innovation is rewarded.

I want a country where people and communities have a sense of shame when they do something wrong.

I want a country where those that somehow feel "entitled" are marginalized by the rest of us and made to see that hard work and personal responsibility are virtues, not the traits of "suckers."

I want a country where we respect the rights of all minorities (ethnic, religious, etc.), but we also respect the rights of the majority.

I want a country where politicians are more interested in helping their constituents than in lining their pockets.

I want a country where our veterans are honored and provided for, instead of cast aside like yesterday's garbage.

I must have that wacko Stockholm Syndrome, I think fearless leader is on to something.

That's Tiger Woods ex-wife.

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Special Hen
Sep 1, 2009
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1- The Obamacare law has more pages then the bible.

2- Obama has created a corporate class and political class by changing the law and giving waivers. Oh and a big labor class.

If the law is so great why do the people who voted for it want out the most!!


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Guys, the idea that the Affordable Care Act is too long to read is B.S. It does run over two thousand pages, but it's tripple spaced in HUGE print. You can read 20 pages a minute. It's not that big a deal.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Guys, the idea that the Affordable Care Act is too long to read is B.S. It does run over two thousand pages, but it's tripple spaced in HUGE print. You can read 20 pages a minute. It's not that big a deal.

Well, daggon it.....Even Iggy can now recognize that the Congress shouldn't have had so much trouble reading the bill before passing it.

However, one needs to keep in perspective that the number of pages of the "bill" is not as much as the number of pages of regulations that will result from the bill. After all, Congress tends to leave the writing of regulations to the agency heads associated with said bills. In the case of Obamacare, last I heard there were something like 10,000 pages of regulatory language.

Washington Post Story on Claims of High Numbers of Pages of Regulations

Now, from that story (which the WP manages to "play with" numbers just as others have), is the following quote:

"Stewart pointed out that McConnell’s office counted only Federal Register pages, which are typed in such tiny type that each page is worth almost four pages with regular, double-spaced type. By that logic, 10,000 pages of final rules could be labeled as 40,000 pages. “So if anything, we’re undercounting,” he said.

An administration official said most of the rules related to the implementation of the law are complete but there are still rules that have not been finalized or issued. “We will continue to issue guidance and rules from time to time to respond to stakeholder questions or respond to guidance,” the official said.

The Pinocchio Test

We realize this is a bit of muddle. At the very least, one can point to 10,000 pages of tiny regulatory type regarding the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Frankly, this is to be expected in any large and complex governmental undertaking. Depending on your perspective, the visual of a seven-foot-high pile of documents may be meaningful — or not. That’s a matter of opinion.

At this point, we can’t rule this claim as absolutely accurate or as worthy of Pinocchio. McConnell used careful phrasing. Hudson’s staff says the congressman misspoke, and his corrected answer is relatively close to 10,000."

So, if the bill is widely spaced and includes 1990 or so pages, and the pages of regulations are small print and closely spaced, I can see where there actual number of pages of regulations, if spaced as the bill is, would be much more than 10,000 pages. While the WP has claimed that McConnell "used careful phrasing," they have done similarly by not comparing number of pages to text size and spacing.


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