The real question: Will any amount of increased spending improve the performance of our students one bit? NO!
We already spend enough taxpayer money, per student, to send each one of them to the most expensive private school in the state.
If there ever was an argument for vouchers, this is it. I have been ranting about this all week at work, where I teach. The number one problem in public schools is lack of discipline. I told some fellow teachers that learning no longer takes place at school. School is for babysitting, all learning must take place at home. I am one of the lucky teachers that married well. So my child goes to private school. I sure would like a voucher to help with the cost, though. Vouchers NOW. Use the bar graph the 744 proponents are using to show expenditures per pupil, add a list of private schools tuition cost and you've got a bulletproof campaign brochure. Only a fool could look at the numbers and think dumping more of taxpayer's money into the most expensive babysitter I know is a good idea. Vouchers NOW!