Researching the 2ndA & the NRA

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Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
My assessment, which is based on my knowledge of the history of the NRA, the past internal efforts to drive a real Amendment II agenda and the plain fact that most americans do not believe that Amendment II means what it says, leads me to a general conclusion.

First, the upper echelon and the board of the NRA are made up almost entirely of Amendment II compromisers. The nominating committee routinely ensures that Amendment II compromisers are near exclusively 'approved' to be on the ballot.

With the driving force of the NRA comprised of those who believe that government has the right and duty to regulate the what, who, how and where of firearms and who may possess and carry them, the NRA remains 'relevant' in DC power-circles and backroom dealing/lobbying efforts.

The NRA is supportive of gun-ownership for self-defense, hunting, shooting sports and other purposes, but the caveat is that they are firmly of the position that the government must regulate, approve and control (read infringe) the who, what, why, how and where of it.

This is diametrically opposite to what Amendment II states and the easily discernible founders intent in enumerating the RKBA.

They have set themselves up as the 'staunch defender' of the Second Amendment to their membership, all the while they regularly work for 'gun privileges' rather than restoration of the 'fundamental right'.

The NRA has mastered the game and found the balance between their real actions vs their claimed and perceived actions by the faithful membership.

The NRA has a historical trust with the American people. They are considered an American Institution.

Many people have family that are generational members of the NRA and they have that 'institutional trust and faith' that seems to blind most people who own guns and who are NRA members.

Most NRA members are merely gun owners and hunters. They may have a couple or a few guns, but most are NOT aware, studied and knowing constitutionalists or gun-rights advocates.

After all, dad, grandpa, grandma and uncle skippy have all been proud members of the NRA. Gun-owners 'who care about and do something for their rights' are NRA members, right?

I was one of those members who had historical family NRA membership and support. Then I became aware over the years, based on what I actually saw being done, not what I was led to believe and/or was told was being done and why.

Fact is, that most of the NRA membership and most of the citizens of this nation are abjectly ill-informed about the Constitutional and about any of our fundamental, constitutionally-enumerated natural rights.

It is the lazy and/or trusting way for the ignorant to allow or expect someone else to be the watchdog of such things.

The NRA uses this trust and ignorance to great effect.

They crow about being the 'staunch defender' of the Second Amendment, they publish flashy magazines which crow about this 'staunch defense', they crow about liberty and freedom, yet they do not defend the Amendment II enumerated in the BOR's.

They join efforts at times in defense of the ability to carry and own guns and then claim that these efforts are defense of the Second Amendment, which are subsequently trumpeted by the NRA and then by the faithful membership.

These claims are accepted, since most are either ignorant or agree with government controls of firearms.

The insidious cycle generates fear and faith in near equal measure and the 'staunch' NRA is ever ready to solicit your money so they can 'continue to fight for your Second Amendment rights'.

The money flows, the trust and belief (false) is maintained and the power and prestige is there.

We 'need' the NRA, for without them and their efforts, we wouldn't have any guns and we wouldn't have a Second Amendment...or so I've been told, time and again.

And so it continues...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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What pro-gun organization is Dirty Dawg a member of?

I can't speak for Dirty Dawg, but I have been an NRA member for 25 or so years. That membership is required for membership in my gun club.

And that has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on facts stated above. Do you dispute anything he stated?


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
I can't speak for Dirty Dawg, but I have been an NRA member for 25 or so years. That membership is required for membership in my gun club.

And that has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on facts stated above. Do you dispute anything he stated?

I would be interested in seeing the stance that the opponents of the above mentioned people have on the Second Amendment.

I would also be interested in knowing what elected officials Dawg has voted for in the past, and if they have a faultless history.

My guess is that he has voted for representatives who don't have an A+ rating by his standards.

It would also be interesting to know what pro-gun organizations he's a member of, and if all those involved with it pass his litmus test.


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
I'm guessing the answer to my question is "no".

Perhaps you would care to find a post where any of us say we agree with everything that the NRA does.

I'm guessing that both time I have asked people who are anti-NRA who they support and is doing a better job...they leave the thread.

They don't have a better alternative.

We haven't even covered the side of the NRA that sponsors shooting events for the public, teaches life and safety skills, etc.

How does that compare to the groups that the anti-NRA members support?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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As I stated - I am an NRA member. I also believe they do NOT have my liberty at heart.
Perhaps by airing the transgressions above, members may become aware of some of the NRAs actions, and "hold them accountable". I know I contacted my local rep earlier this year concerning some of the BS related to Sandy Hook, I know countless others contacted the NRA as well.

I have no doubt the NRA mouthpieces would have settled for some kind of "compromise" had they not heard from members.
FWIW - check into Appleseed. They don't buy politicians, but they're real good at some of the other things you mentioned.


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
In response to Wesson's pathetic request for information on who I donate to and's quite simple....I only contribute to advocates and defenders of the Constitution.

1. Campaign for Liberty (founded by Ron Paul)
3. Gun Owners of America (The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington- Ron Paul).

Used to be a member of the Negotiated Rights Association.....but, quickly learned they are no defender of the Constitution. I refuse to support the charlatans....


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
In response to Wesson's pathetic request for information on who I donate to and's quite simple....I only contribute to advocates and defenders of the Constitution.

1. Campaign for Liberty (founded by Ron Paul)
3. Gun Owners of America (The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington- Ron Paul).

Used to be a member of the Negotiated Rights Association.....but, quickly learned they are no defender of the Constitution. I refuse to support the charlatans....

Very good organizations, but Ron Paul is seen as a joke by much of America (whether you like it or not).

Typing in "Second Amendment" on "Campaign For Liberty" produced very little in regards to what they're doing in preserving our 2A have to really search the site to see what, if anything they're doing in that regards.
The site seems to be more about non-2A related issues.

Jews For Preservation of Gun Ownership is a good organization, but when I was Googling JFPO, you'll see lots of gun owners asking who JFPO is, and what JFPO stands for.
On JFPO's "About Us" page, they never mention the size of their membership, and they state that they are not a lobby, but an organization that educates people on civil rights.
Even the FAQ page doesn't tell us how many members they have..but since they're not a lobby, doesn't really matter anyway.
Unfortunately, the reality of it is, many people will not line up behind an organization with the word "Jew" in it.

Gun Owners of America is another fine pro-2A organization...with 300,000 members as opposed to 3 to 4 million NRA members...and receives little to zero recognition from the gun grabbers.

At a time when we have the most anti-gun administration in power, we really don't have time for the GOA to grow its membership to a size that is feared by anti-gunners..and realistically, the news was all about how many members the NRA added during the latest gun scare, not how many members Ron Paul, JFPO,and GOA picked up.

Perhaps in the future, the GOA will become of such size that anti-gunners will fear them, but we really don't have the time to wait for that to happen...if it ever does.

As Ted mentioned, the best route is to shake up the NRA and have them compromise less, but even this is difficult, in a political landscape that has pro 2A representatives barely in the majority sometimes.

Basically, the groups you mentioned are playing anywhere from virtually no part to minimal in influencing the votes of our representatives, and when we have someone like Michael Bloomberg who is throwing million of his own dollars fighting the 2A, warm fuzzy feelings for a group that treats the 2A as a sidebar, doesn't lobby our representaives, and has perhapr 8% of the members that the NRA does, is worse than the negative aspects of the NRA.

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