I'm old enough to remember when home wind mills, to generate power, were here to stay, and would make massave generating plants obsolete! Now only a few towers stand, and are bird roost! I don't know, or care, if EV take over or not, but it will have to stand, or fall, on it's own merit, when the government subsidies stop, and politicians, and their lap dog news media, go on to other lies to control the unwashed masses. This like everything else, will be decided by the only totally unbiased judge on this earth, the free market system!!Here is my conundrum. I do not need one, mine only has 117,000 miles and is a 2015. I will likely get a new one in four or five years pending I don’t now.
Here is what I am thinking, I buy one now and drive it very little and keep the old one and use it for my daily driver/hunting truck. Then in five years I have a low miles replacement.
My reasoning behind this is:
- I DO NOT want an electric vehicle and I am thinking that or a tiny engine gasoline is all that will be available thanks to the eco crazies.
- With costs going up, up and away the prices may be out of reach in five years.
- I don’t need any options other than 4x4, AC, back up camera and Sirius so whatever new fancy gadgets will come out in the future do not matter to me.
What does the brain trust at OSA think? Am I overthinking it and should I just hold off until I need one?