No need to fight over it, I'll give you both the directions to it.........first come first serve!
Ha!!! No thanks! I am not in the commode business.
No need to fight over it, I'll give you both the directions to it.........first come first serve!
That reminds me of back in college I located a guy giving away a couch that his dad had died on. He said his dad moved in a last few months he was alive and stayed on the couch most of the time. He said he coughed up blood and pissed on it, but that he had cleaned it up. I didn't notice anything so I said I'd take it. I actually didn't have room for it so I called a buddy to come get it for his place since he had just moved out. After we moved it into his place, I told him about it. He looked at it, and said it looked good to him just don't tell the rest of his family.I think he said his grandmother died in it...
That reminds me of back in college I located a guy giving away a couch that his dad had died on. He said his dad moved in a last few months he was alive and stayed on the couch most of the time. He said he coughed up blood and pissed on it, but that he had cleaned it up. I didn't notice anything so I said I'd take it. I actually didn't have room for it so I called a buddy to come get it for his place since he had just moved out. After we moved it into his place, I told him about it. He looked at it, and said it looked good to him just don't tell the rest of his family.
From that point on it was known as the "dead guy couch". He probably kept it about a decade. There was lots of sex on that couch. LOL
We did a total home remodel three years ago.
Living in the country, we operate off a well and water softener.
I dreaded losing our high volume toilets as we have a septic system.
We bought the newest high dollar low volume toilets from Lowes, and I have not been happier.
Our well doesn't kick on as often so that is saving us money, and the toilets work great.
Everytime a neighbor puts a pile of junk out at the curb for big trash time, there is a constant line of vans stopping with people rummaging through it and hauling half of it off before the truck makes it. Seriously, they have a regular run through the neighborhoods and I'm sure you can find most of this garbage for sale up on Robinson street and Agnew by cowtown. There was a couple spent 20 minutes looking and loading right outside my window the other day. If it wasn't put out for trash they'd have a rude awakening.
Everytime a neighbor puts a pile of junk out at the curb for big trash time, there is a constant line of vans stopping with people rummaging through it and hauling half of it off before the truck makes it. Seriously, they have a regular run through the neighborhoods and I'm sure you can find most of this garbage for sale up on Robinson street and Agnew by cowtown. There was a couple spent 20 minutes looking and loading right outside my window the other day. If it wasn't put out for trash they'd have a rude awakening.
used undies for sale. small stains on most.
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