Sometimes I can make the dumbest decisions...

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Special Hen
Nov 14, 2008
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I think he said his grandmother died in it...

That reminds me of back in college I located a guy giving away a couch that his dad had died on. He said his dad moved in a last few months he was alive and stayed on the couch most of the time. He said he coughed up blood and pissed on it, but that he had cleaned it up. I didn't notice anything so I said I'd take it. I actually didn't have room for it so I called a buddy to come get it for his place since he had just moved out. After we moved it into his place, I told him about it. He looked at it, and said it looked good to him just don't tell the rest of his family.

From that point on it was known as the "dead guy couch". He probably kept it about a decade. There was lots of sex on that couch. LOL
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
There is an old saying of "One mans Trash is another mans Treasure."

And makes me think of my evening dumpster diving days.

I had a business that shared a dumpster with other commercial tenants, as the owner, I was always the last one to leave, so my job was to and dump the daily trash behind the buildings. After a little while, I had a hard time throwing trash in a dumpster without taking a look to see what treasures might be in there before I covered them up.

It depends on what you might need now or think you might need in the future and have a place for it. I still have a half spool of cable TV coax which I have used some of for extensions, most of a box of 6 pair telephone wire that I have used for multiple projects including expanding my office, all the oak hardwood trim I needed on my new front entry desk from the hardwood flooring business next door, which I greatly appreciate. I have smoked many pieces of meat with their left over flooring scraps. I actually thought about stopping by there a few days ago to see if I could get some more. It seems to have a little better flavor than the hickory I have been getting, I sold my business several years ago and finally ran out, now what do I do?

One of the old heavy metal desks was put out by the dumpster by some one, it is now a work table in my garage. Three sets of heavy 2x4 with 3/4 plywood shelving four ft long from a company that moved out is in my garage also, a nice set of speakers for my old radio in my shop building was there from a defunct stereo that someones electronics gave out and they threw the whole thing away.

At the time I found the speakers to replace my buzzing ones it would not been anything I could even consider thinking I could afford to replace, I was just hoping I could pay the electric bill next month. It was a nice "present" most likely similar to who ever took the old recliner was tired of sitting in the straight back chair posted earlier.

If you think about it, some of the things we are just flat "done" with might be things that some people never had the opportunity to even start out with.

I now live out in the country not many people even drive by my “curb” and we have a private community dumpster that not many people who live close even know exists. We put things in there that we feel sure someone could use at least for a while but no way to make it available to them, even for free, like the vacuum sweeper that was getting older. Wifey replaced it but still worked, just not as well as she wanted.

Wonder if someone who did not have and could not afford any vacuum sweeper would like to use it until they decided to put it in their dumpster? No way to do that where we live. ( I cut the long cord off of it for a project I might work on some day)

Yes, one mans trash can be another mans treasure. Just be sure you wait until I decide it is trash by putting in the dumpster. If you try to get ahead of me, you could go in the dumpster with my next load, no one in my neighborhood seems to care what is in there.


Sep 12, 2014
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That reminds me of back in college I located a guy giving away a couch that his dad had died on. He said his dad moved in a last few months he was alive and stayed on the couch most of the time. He said he coughed up blood and pissed on it, but that he had cleaned it up. I didn't notice anything so I said I'd take it. I actually didn't have room for it so I called a buddy to come get it for his place since he had just moved out. After we moved it into his place, I told him about it. He looked at it, and said it looked good to him just don't tell the rest of his family.

From that point on it was known as the "dead guy couch". He probably kept it about a decade. There was lots of sex on that couch. LOL

It's the ciiiiiirrrrcle of liiiiiiifffee...


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 31, 2009
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We did a total home remodel three years ago.

Living in the country, we operate off a well and water softener.

I dreaded losing our high volume toilets as we have a septic system.

We bought the newest high dollar low volume toilets from Lowes, and I have not been happier.

Our well doesn't kick on as often so that is saving us money, and the toilets work great.

Our newer toilets work better than the old ones. They not only use less water, but are designed to flush better.


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Special Hen Administrator Moderator Supporter
Mar 15, 2009
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you should see what nw okc looks like on big trash day( first monday of the month for me) a constant cruising of old pickups with ratty trailers full of decent stuff.
one time a guy came by with a 16 foot trailer with at least five riding mowers. two were fairly modern john deeres. i'm a self professed dumpster diver and have found some nice things myself! got a brush guard for my truck once, one other time i got two ladder stands and a recurve bow. my best find was a lighted "lone star" beer clock and sign from the 60's. put a new bulb in it and it fired right up. got $180 for that one on fleabay.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2006
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Everytime a neighbor puts a pile of junk out at the curb for big trash time, there is a constant line of vans stopping with people rummaging through it and hauling half of it off before the truck makes it. Seriously, they have a regular run through the neighborhoods and I'm sure you can find most of this garbage for sale up on Robinson street and Agnew by cowtown. There was a couple spent 20 minutes looking and loading right outside my window the other day. If it wasn't put out for trash they'd have a rude awakening. :pissed:

There's an old Toyota pickup with dually wheels and a flatbed with rails. He comes around the day before bulk trash pickup everytime. I think he just grabs all the metal though.


Special Hen
Sep 13, 2014
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Everytime a neighbor puts a pile of junk out at the curb for big trash time, there is a constant line of vans stopping with people rummaging through it and hauling half of it off before the truck makes it. Seriously, they have a regular run through the neighborhoods and I'm sure you can find most of this garbage for sale up on Robinson street and Agnew by cowtown. There was a couple spent 20 minutes looking and loading right outside my window the other day. If it wasn't put out for trash they'd have a rude awakening. :pissed:

I call those people "Jawas".

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