The Desecration of Charlton Heston

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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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So stoop to their level? Those sets and rules are what defines conservatism. Let the children play while the parents operate under another set of rules. There's a difference between calling Obama a monkey or the AntiChrist or some other BS (and behaving like an ignorant child) and avoiding PC (like not saying "undocumented immigrant" or "African-American").

There's an obvious distinction between saying things how they are and ridicule.

This tired old argument again?

Observer: "Hey, the children just used Molotov Cocktails on the neighborhood!"

Conserver: "Why, yes, those poor, ignorant children. Sad. Just rise above that behavior and they will stop if they get no attention."

A few days later...

Observer: "Hey, Con, what's with the refrigerator box?"

Conserver: "Well, the children burnt my domicile and this is my new home. It's okay, they just didn't know about fire, but I feel better by continuing to excuse and accept their behavior."

Observer: "Well, alrighty then. Oh yeah, big storm on the way....lemme know how the box works out. I keep hanging around you and my stuff may get burnt."

Or seized, regulated, confiscated, registered, folded, spindled, mutilated, administrated, or destroyed by the people that to which Con lent his tacit support.


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
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Another has-been trying to make a comeback riding on the heals of gun control.

Never let a good crisis go to waste. Lot of wisdom on this site from some good people. I'm old enough to not trust either party complicity but do trust certain individuals from both parties a little farther than I could throw them.

Chuck was a guy M Moore exploited late in life. There's a reason people like Moore don't try to pull their crap on the Nugents and Vickers and countless others of the world.


"Disarm for the children."


Nov 1, 2010
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Presidents Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush (one and two) all supported some type of gun control. That's a lot of traitors in The White House.

This we can agree on. The last non-traitor to the American people I can remember was JFK. Make no mistake, gun control is already in full swing and it's working. The laws prohibiting carrying of weapons by everyone has accomplished the task of getting the general public not used to seeing a gun, keeps them ignorant of them, and subsequently fearful of them.


Jan 24, 2013
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This we can agree on. The last non-traitor to the American people I can remember was JFK. Make no mistake, gun control is already in full swing and it's working. The laws prohibiting carrying of weapons by everyone has accomplished the task of getting the general public not used to seeing a gun, keeps them ignorant of them, and subsequently fearful of them.

You think gun control is new? I suggest you read "Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America". Gun control has been woven into the fabric of American life since the passing of the Constitution, and even before that. You claim gun control is in "full swing". I could leave my house tomorrow with a pocket full of cash and buy as many firearms as I wanted, with no paper work, no back ground check and open carry them. And if I had the inclination, I could legally buy a fully automatic weapon (with the proper paperwork, of course). If gun control is in full swing, how did Oklahoma manage to become an open carry state? While I disagree with many gun laws I don't buy into the belief that there is a "vast left wing conspiracy" to disarm the American public. The SCOTUS has made it clear that the 2nd is an individual right. That ruling was made by justices nominated by the very presidents you claim are traitors.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
So stoop to their level? Those sets and rules are what defines conservatism. Let the children play while the parents operate under another set of rules. There's a difference between calling Obama a monkey or the AntiChrist or some other BS (and behaving like an ignorant child) and avoiding PC (like not saying "undocumented immigrant" or "African-American").

There's an obvious distinction between saying things how they are and ridicule.

As far as I am concerned, anyone who fought to allow live babies to be k1lled OUTSIDE the womb is an animal (infanticide)...even most pro-abortion folks would condemn this...but not your Lord & Savior 0bama...he was fine with it so much he fought for it...but I am sure you have some keen defense ready if you are in fact a liberal... SEE HERE

Jim Carry makes me sick.

The truth has no agenda...I get tired of people on "my side" mocking inconvenient truths...on the one hand they gripe about liberals who have no concept of economic facts (nation debt, deficit, etc), but then they are guilty of the same behavior when it comes to things they do not have the facts on...I am not saying YOU are, but I want to show my objectivity that dismissing things without having enough data is irresponsible and a liberal tactic...the art of "emotion" in a debate rather than well-thought out opinions and facts. I agree with all of you here that Carey is indeed a maggot...but if he says something offensive or wrong on the one hand, it doesn't mean I will condemn other things he says that may be right...

Accepting the status quo on vaccines is to become a mindless slave to the drug companies and the FDA, etc, as your avg welfare recipient is to the Democrat party...we need an awakening on all fronts of how we are being manipulated and dealt a bad hand, not JUST when it comes to 0bama. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

And no I am not defending Jim Carey personally...I care about the truth...period.

Presidents Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush (one and two) all supported some type of gun control. That's a lot of traitors in The White House.

And why did they do this??? political correctness....they wanted to be liked by liberals....they were also the ruling class so to speak.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
You think gun control is new? I suggest you read "Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America". Gun control has been woven into the fabric of American life since the passing of the Constitution, and even before that. You claim gun control is in "full swing". I could leave my house tomorrow with a pocket full of cash and buy as many firearms as I wanted, with no paper work, no back ground check and open carry them. And if I had the inclination, I could legally buy a fully automatic weapon (with the proper paperwork, of course). If gun control is in full swing, how did Oklahoma manage to become an open carry state? While I disagree with many gun laws I don't buy into the belief that there is a "vast left wing conspiracy" to disarm the American public. The SCOTUS has made it clear that the 2nd is an individual right. That ruling was made by justices nominated by the very presidents you claim are traitors.

Men have been using weapons to defend themselves since the beginning of is a universal right..."Natural Law" says people have a right to defend themselves...we can own guns due to the 2nd amendment or they'd already be banned for law abiding citizens like practically every other country in the world but Israel and Switzerland...but all those non-criminal helpless sheep in other countries are having their natural right to be armed infringed upon by sicko totalitarian is their own fault though. I ENJOY the misery caused in blue states by liberal policies...from high tax rates, to 2nd amendment violations, pleases me to see people become victims of their own arrogant ignorance.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I don't totally agree with your post, but the quote above is pretty much what I'm all about. I care less if somebody doesn't care about my presentation

and see, if both parties behave rationally, it is okay to disagree...I respect your opinion and sometimes I intentionally make my presentation "off the wall" to have an effect. Heck, for all I know what you disagreed with me on may have been due to my presentation. But if not, it is fine.

Think of it like Nations...Liberals are Iran or North Korea...irrational, militant, and some point when both sides can't agree or disagree and move on, then war results...this could also be true when one side becomes belligerent...the other side has to "stoop" to their level in some while I get Ace's point about how people saying racist crap or making stuff up, etc about 0bama discredits them and their argument (because he has a very valid point), at some point a response is warranted that is similar to the other side o even more shocking...again, think about two nations that have a disagreement...when communication breaks down, war results...or to make another example, in a marriage, divorce results, etc, etc...I just personally feel that being nice and civil and politically correct has gotten us no where...the avg voter on the street could not tell you the amount of the US national debt or who Nancy Pelosi long as they have their iphones, American Idol, Taco bell, and are being spoon fed by the media how racist and anti-gay repubs are, then all is well...Conservatives need to battle back with the facts and hurt a few feelings along the way. The libs took the gloves off, not us.

Don't forget the founding fathers would chute you in the face with a musket if you pushed them too far (they were more like Heston)...if not for George Washington, you'd be speaking the Queen's English right now and probably have a few more mosques in your neighborhood.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I'm pretty sure "sheep" is going to get you classified as a person to be ignored, no matter what you post.

I know I will skip past this.

When posting facts, be ready to post links to those facts. Make sure those putting out the "facts" are factual.

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