76th anniversary of D-Day.

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 2, 2013
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Take a moment today to remember the aprox. 10,000 allied casualties and try to imagine what they must have been feeling the moment the ramp dropped on their landing craft.


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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2019
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Cordell, Oklahoma
I used to feel much the same way, especially being a veteran myself.
Some things don’t add up though. If communism is evil which it absolutely is, and we in essence saved the Soviet Union and ensured its existence by fighting side by side with it...are we really the good guys?
We landed at Normandy to open a second front to take pressure off of the soviets.
In essence those men fought to save communists.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
I used to feel much the same way, especially being a veteran myself.
Some things don’t add up though. If communism is evil which it absolutely is, and we in essence saved the Soviet Union and ensured its existence by fighting side by side with it...are we really the good guys?
We landed at Normandy to open a second front to take pressure off of the soviets.
In essence those men fought to save communists.

*cracks knuckles*

The Societs were losing on that Eastern front. Almost 17million deaths, they were running out of men to throw against the axis. Germany proved they couldn't be beat in full force with their incredible means to make war. Knowing we most likely couldn't win facing the full force, we opened that second front, and divided the Nazi's fell.

All would have been kosher too after the war had the US and Britain not cut Russia out of the spoils of war. The cold war may not have even happened if they hadn't reneged control of promised countries in peace time.

There are a ton of books and series that cover it online. I'd encourage you to read up on it. It's really fascinating history and you won't have to ask questions that make people place palm to face.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2019
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Cordell, Oklahoma
*cracks knuckles*

The Societs were losing on that Eastern front. Almost 17million deaths, they were running out of men to throw against the axis. Germany proved they couldn't be beat in full force with their incredible means to make war. Knowing we most likely couldn't win facing the full force, we opened that second front, and divided the Nazi's fell.

All would have been kosher too after the war had the US and Britain not cut Russia out of the spoils of war. The cold war may not have even happened if they hadn't reneged control of promised countries in peace time.

There are a ton of books and series that cover it online. I'd encourage you to read up on it. It's really fascinating history and you won't have to ask questions that make people place palm to face.

See, you keep talking about the Soviet’s like we should have been on their side. We should have toasted their eradication.
The US didn’t even recognize the Soviet Union as a legitimate country until FDR in 1933, why? Because the entire premise of the country was worldwide communist revolution and dissolution of nations. You cannot deal in fairness with a nation bent on your destruction. All would have been kosher? Ironic turn of phrase aside no, it would not have been. The Soviet’s has been trying to overthrow European national governments before the war, and they would have resumed afterwards regardless of the outcome short of their destruction.
The legacy of the Soviet Union, cultural marxism, has manifested in what you see around you today.
We chose to ally with the avowed enemy of our common western tradition and all that entails, and now our culture burns.
Like the old saying goes-lie down with dogs, get fleas.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
See, you keep talking about the Soviet’s like we should have been on their side. We should have toasted their eradication.
The US didn’t even recognize the Soviet Union as a legitimate country until FDR in 1933, why? Because the entire premise of the country was worldwide communist revolution and dissolution of nations. You cannot deal in fairness with a nation bent on your destruction. All would have been kosher? Ironic turn of phrase aside no, it would not have been. The Soviet’s has been trying to overthrow European national governments before the war, and they would have resumed afterwards regardless of the outcome short of their destruction.
The legacy of the Soviet Union, cultural marxism, has manifested in what you see around you today.
We chose to ally with the avowed enemy of our common western tradition and all that entails, and now our culture burns.
Like the old saying goes-lie down with dogs, get fleas.

Honestly man, read the fascinating history of our country and the world. Not only do you learn awesome stuff, you don't have to argue with people that don't know any better because history is fact.

If the mods wanted to, I wouldn't feel slighted in deleting this whole conversation as to unsully a thread honoring the bravest men in our history.
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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
I used to feel much the same way, especially being a veteran myself.
Some things don’t add up though. If communism is evil which it absolutely is, and we in essence saved the Soviet Union and ensured its existence by fighting side by side with it...are we really the good guys?
We landed at Normandy to open a second front to take pressure off of the soviets.
In essence those men fought to save communists.

I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd venture that a large number of Brits and Europeans would disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment of our veterans, not to mention those veterans themselves.

I have a number of uncles that served in WWII. I don't appreciate your nonsense.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2019
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Cordell, Oklahoma
I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd venture that a large number of Brits and Europeans would disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment of our veterans, not to mention those veterans themselves.

I have a number of uncles that served in WWII. I don't appreciate your nonsense.

Frankly irrelevant, but I don’t hold anything against the fighting men there.
The whole country was pulled into a war it didn’t want to fight in.
Our leaders allied with literal communists.
If you ever find yourself on the same side as communists you are the bad guy.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2019
Reaction score
Cordell, Oklahoma
Honestly man, read the fascinating history of our country and the world. Not only do you learn awesome stuff, you don't have to argue with people that don't know any better because history is fact.

If the mods wanted to, I wouldn't feel slighted in deleting this whole conversation as to unsully a thread honoring the bravest men in our history.

Oh I’m familiar with it.
History teaches plainly that international communist/marxist ideals are the most evil concoction of the human mind.
And we took up arms with it.

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