Can we finally admit

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Aug 14, 2012
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Negative Ghost Rider, Jews do not believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, they do not believe there is heaven. They believe when Christ comes he will setup his kingdom on earth.

you said you couldnt explain it. I took that to mean you couldnt explain why Christians follow some of the old testament.

Perhaps you think Jesus was a Christian? He was a practicing Jew, Jews follow the teachings of the Torah. At no time did Jesus ever renounce his faith.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
bobrob said:
The passages you cite refer to those living under the law of moses.

[. . .]

No, it's just that these were a code of conduct written to a specific people in a definite time. When Christ came and was crucified he "Blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; Clossians 2:14.
A cursory surface study of Christ will reveal he never wanted anyone killed.

And who do you believe wrote the Law of Moses again? God, isn't it? Who is one and the same as Jesus Christ?

In the New Testament, when talking to the Pharisees and Sadjucees, Jesus quoted the law and referred to it as the word of God (he mostly used it to highlight the differences between God's word and man-made traditions and laws).

And then there is 2 Timothy 3:16 -- "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Being that this epistle was written at a time when much of the New Testament had not even been written down yet, what scriptures do you think he is referring to?

So as for those parts of the Mosaic Law which require stoning, killing, etc., either they are the Word of the one perfect and holy God and were at least morally acceptable at that time and under those circumstances; or they were just written by a bunch of uncivilized, collectivist, nomadic tribal bronze-age savages who weren't much different than other civilizations at the time. Everyone will just have to decide for themselves which is the more likely explanation.

I will say that if more than a handfull of Jews actually attempted to live by their holy scriptures as much as some of these Muslims do by theirs, we would have just as big of a problem with Jewish terrorism and violence as we do with Muslims, and Israel would be one of the most repressive regimes on earth right up there with Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan, UAE, and Iran. It is purely their failure to follow their own holy scriptures that allows them to have a freer society than what we see throughout most of the Muslim world. Though even if Israel did start living under the Law of Moses and started stoning infidels and rape victims and whatnot, I still think most Americans would support whatever they did regardless, judging by most people's attitudes toward that country.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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I know some people don't like these religious threads, but Hell (no pun intended) I learn a lot, especially when we are able to keep it civil. Some of you have an awesome command of scripture and theology and some of you have a devout earnestness about your beliefs. Even if I don't agree with you, I sure respect your faith, knowledge and devotion.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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All the theological talk we've had around here in the past couple days sort of begs a question. Most of us here are products of Christian civilization. How can a bunch of you guys be so sure about what the Koran means when we can't even seem to agree on what the Bible means?


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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All the theological talk we've had around here in the past couple days sort of begs a question. Most of us here are products of Christian civilization. How can a bunch of you guys be so sure about what the Koran means when we can't even seem to agree on what the Bible means?

Or what caliber to use.

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