I haven't been RIGHT since I got shaved for my vasectomy 35 years ago. Some things are just meant to have hair on them LOL I think I hurt myself laughing, better you than me.
ATTENTION: You are hereby being notified that your loose screw is about to fall out!
Under the present rules. You must also be notified that under Obama care any loose screws that fall out and lost will not be replaced.
You are futher advised that loose screws that fall out are the responsibility of the screwee to maintain in their possession until the screwee can be properly screwed by the government.
Any reinstallation of a loose screw by an unauthorized person will subject the unauthorized screwer to sever penalties. Such as fines, imprisonment (with bubba as a cell mate), or being forced listen to all of our glorious leader's speeches explaining how nothing is his fault and some else is to blame.
You have been warned and we are monitoring your e-mail for any subversive subjects such as your supposed rights under the constitution or you right to be screwed by anyone you want to have perform that service.
I'm just glad that we've reached a point in American life from which we can talk about ass hair.
This is the sort of thing we need to talk about.
What ever happened to the Bic lighter? just insinuate a bic in there and all your problems will be solved.
Why does everything have to be rocket science with you guys?