Syria mess, how far do we go.?

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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Well I've heard it argued both ways, that they were supposed to be dispersed OR that they were supposed to have a state. Some say the founding of the state indicates the end times. In the meantime, I consider them an ally but I won't sell out on our country's best interest for anyone including NATO, etc. Netanyau isn't a globalist though; he's an Israeli nationalist and just like Trump said before, we recognize that other countries have a right to look out for their own interests first, just as we should. I think the leftists that happen to be jewish don't like netanyau much anyway...Opposing MARXISM isn't antisemitic. That's really what the people who rail against "zionism" I think mean...they are anti-communist. They'd get their message across a lot better if they used "globalist" or "communist" instead of the terms that are immediately taken as hateful as we've seen in this thread. We are all on the same side guys...we want freedom, prosperity, stability, etc.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Qaddafi, let women drive, go to college, drink, etc...Qaddafi, Assad, and Saddam are/were much more in line with tolerant American values than the people we are trying to install & support...!

Perhaps your not aware of the methods used to keep the populous in line with the dictators.
Evidence gathered by Reuters in the provincial town of Khoms shows an organised system of repression with methods including delivering electric shocks to suspects' genitals, keeping them for weeks in baking heat with only a few sips of water a day, and whipping them with an electrical cable while their hands were bound with plastic ties.

The squads allegedly then disposed of their bodies in unmarked graves in a campaign to smash the revolt against his rule.

The paranoid regime had many sites around the capital where they interrogated, tortured and imprisoned detainees. One of the most feared was the Internal Security building. Many of the offices in the building were trashed after the rebels rolled into Tripoli: case files are scattered across rooms, windows and doors have been smashed and cabinets have been pried open and emptied. But the material left behind presents a revealing—and odd—glimpse into one the most feared security services of the Gaddafi regime. “Yes to human rights,” a framed poster says on an eerily deserted top floor. “And no to human traitors.”
On the ground floor of the building, the security reps ran a sophisticated Internet monitoring center. There are hundreds of pages of email exchanges and chats as well as detailed lists of email accounts being scrutinized. Colorful charts explain how to intercept and transcribe messages, as well as the steps necessary to collate and process various kinds of intelligence. One graph lists a variety of data interception methods including “full country traffic monitoring.”

One of the largest caches of documents and case files, spread across the second floor in the building, shows just how meticulously the regime followed Islamist groups and the severity with which they dealt with them. There are hundreds and hundreds of light green case files crammed with typed reports, hand-written notes, email records, photos and even CDs, tracking the movement and activities of Islamists. The records show the government was tracking at least seven distinct Islamist groups active in the country, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group which had many members who fought in Afghanistan in the '80s. The bio of each individual usually notes their nom de guerre, group affiliation, the suspect countries visited (Afghanistan and Pakistan are frequently listed) and the individual’s whereabouts. There are also extensive records of thousands of Islamist prisoners.

Saddam Hussein would heat an iron poker until it was white-hot, then use it to impale cats and dogs. Years later, when he had boys of his own, he would take them into prisons so they could watch — and get used to — torture and executions. The Arab world is replete with dictators, many of them ruthless. But for for sheer unbridled cruelty, none of them can touch Saddam. And for hellish and sadistic brutality, no other Arab state — perhaps no other state in the world — can compare with what Saddam has created in Iraq.

the BBC interviewed “Kamal,” a former Iraqi torturer now confined in a Kurdish prison in the north. “If someone didn’t break, they’d bring in the family,” Kamal explained. “They’d bring the son in front of his parents, who were handcuffed or tied and they’d start with simple tortures such as cigarette burns and then if his father didn’t confess they’d start using more serious methods,” such as slicing off one of the child’s ears or amputating a limb. “They’d tell the father that they’d slaughter his son. They’d bring a bayonet out. And if he didn’t confess, they’d kill the child.”

Horror in Saddam’s Iraq takes endless forms. In 1987-88, Iraqi Air Force helicopters sprayed scores of Kurdish villages with a combination of chemical weapons, including mustard gas, Sarin, and VX, a deadly nerve agent. Scores of thousands of Kurds, most of them women and children, died horrible deaths. Of those who survived, many were left blind or sterile or crippled with agonizing lung damage.

But most of the Kurds slaughtered in that season of mass murder were not gassed but rounded up and gunned down into mass graves. Those victims were mostly men and boys, and their bodies have never been recovered.

In one village near Kirkuk, after the males were taken to be killed, the women and small children were crammed into trucks and taken to a prison. One survivor, Salma Aziz Baban, described the ordeal to journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, who reported on Saddam’s war against the Kurds in The New Yorker in March.

More than 2,000 women and children were crammed into a room and given nothing to eat. When someone starved to death, the Iraqi guards demanded that the body be passed to them through an window in the door. Baban’s six-year-old son grew very sick. “He knew he was dying. There was no medicine or doctor. He started to cry so much.” He died in his mother’s lap.

“I was screaming and crying,” she told Goldberg. “We gave them the body. It was passed outside, and the soldiers took it.”

Soon after, she pushed her way to the window to see if her child had been taken for burial. She saw 20 dogs roaming in a field where the dead bodies had been dumped. “I looked outside and saw the legs and hands of my son in the mouths of the dogs. The dogs were eating my son.” She was silent for a moment. “Then I lost my mind.”

Horror without end. Amnesty International once listed some 30 different methods of torture used in Iraq. They ranted from burning to electric shock to rape. Some governments go to great lengths to keep evidence of torture secret. Saddam’s government tends to flaunt its tortures, leaving the broken bodies of its victims in the street or returning them, mangled and mutilated, to their families.

Saddam's sons would feed their opponents feet first into wood chippers......slowly.


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Aug 7, 2009
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Perhaps your not aware of the methods used to keep the populous in line with the dictators.
Evidence gathered by Reuters in the provincial town of Khoms shows an organised system of repression with methods including delivering electric shocks to suspects' genitals, keeping them for weeks in baking heat with only a few sips of water a day, and whipping them with an electrical cable while their hands were bound with plastic ties.

The squads allegedly then disposed of their bodies in unmarked graves in a campaign to smash the revolt against his rule.

The paranoid regime had many sites around the capital where they interrogated, tortured and imprisoned detainees. One of the most feared was the Internal Security building. Many of the offices in the building were trashed after the rebels rolled into Tripoli: case files are scattered across rooms, windows and doors have been smashed and cabinets have been pried open and emptied. But the material left behind presents a revealing—and odd—glimpse into one the most feared security services of the Gaddafi regime. “Yes to human rights,” a framed poster says on an eerily deserted top floor. “And no to human traitors.”
On the ground floor of the building, the security reps ran a sophisticated Internet monitoring center. There are hundreds of pages of email exchanges and chats as well as detailed lists of email accounts being scrutinized. Colorful charts explain how to intercept and transcribe messages, as well as the steps necessary to collate and process various kinds of intelligence. One graph lists a variety of data interception methods including “full country traffic monitoring.”

One of the largest caches of documents and case files, spread across the second floor in the building, shows just how meticulously the regime followed Islamist groups and the severity with which they dealt with them. There are hundreds and hundreds of light green case files crammed with typed reports, hand-written notes, email records, photos and even CDs, tracking the movement and activities of Islamists. The records show the government was tracking at least seven distinct Islamist groups active in the country, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group which had many members who fought in Afghanistan in the '80s. The bio of each individual usually notes their nom de guerre, group affiliation, the suspect countries visited (Afghanistan and Pakistan are frequently listed) and the individual’s whereabouts. There are also extensive records of thousands of Islamist prisoners.

Saddam Hussein would heat an iron poker until it was white-hot, then use it to impale cats and dogs. Years later, when he had boys of his own, he would take them into prisons so they could watch — and get used to — torture and executions. The Arab world is replete with dictators, many of them ruthless. But for for sheer unbridled cruelty, none of them can touch Saddam. And for hellish and sadistic brutality, no other Arab state — perhaps no other state in the world — can compare with what Saddam has created in Iraq.

the BBC interviewed “Kamal,” a former Iraqi torturer now confined in a Kurdish prison in the north. “If someone didn’t break, they’d bring in the family,” Kamal explained. “They’d bring the son in front of his parents, who were handcuffed or tied and they’d start with simple tortures such as cigarette burns and then if his father didn’t confess they’d start using more serious methods,” such as slicing off one of the child’s ears or amputating a limb. “They’d tell the father that they’d slaughter his son. They’d bring a bayonet out. And if he didn’t confess, they’d kill the child.”

Horror in Saddam’s Iraq takes endless forms. In 1987-88, Iraqi Air Force helicopters sprayed scores of Kurdish villages with a combination of chemical weapons, including mustard gas, Sarin, and VX, a deadly nerve agent. Scores of thousands of Kurds, most of them women and children, died horrible deaths. Of those who survived, many were left blind or sterile or crippled with agonizing lung damage.

But most of the Kurds slaughtered in that season of mass murder were not gassed but rounded up and gunned down into mass graves. Those victims were mostly men and boys, and their bodies have never been recovered.

In one village near Kirkuk, after the males were taken to be killed, the women and small children were crammed into trucks and taken to a prison. One survivor, Salma Aziz Baban, described the ordeal to journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, who reported on Saddam’s war against the Kurds in The New Yorker in March.

More than 2,000 women and children were crammed into a room and given nothing to eat. When someone starved to death, the Iraqi guards demanded that the body be passed to them through an window in the door. Baban’s six-year-old son grew very sick. “He knew he was dying. There was no medicine or doctor. He started to cry so much.” He died in his mother’s lap.

“I was screaming and crying,” she told Goldberg. “We gave them the body. It was passed outside, and the soldiers took it.”

Soon after, she pushed her way to the window to see if her child had been taken for burial. She saw 20 dogs roaming in a field where the dead bodies had been dumped. “I looked outside and saw the legs and hands of my son in the mouths of the dogs. The dogs were eating my son.” She was silent for a moment. “Then I lost my mind.”

Horror without end. Amnesty International once listed some 30 different methods of torture used in Iraq. They ranted from burning to electric shock to rape. Some governments go to great lengths to keep evidence of torture secret. Saddam’s government tends to flaunt its tortures, leaving the broken bodies of its victims in the street or returning them, mangled and mutilated, to their families.

Saddam's sons would feed their opponents feet first into wood chippers......slowly.

Wow - I’ve got nothing except to say except that pure evil exists in some people. And, that is another illustration of why the people need the right to keep and bear arms.


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Oct 27, 2012
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Leave Syria alone as well as other Mideast countries, let them continue hating and killing as they have for the past several hundred years. If they don’t want to fight for their own country and are willing to let our boys die, they can have the mess. We don’t need their oil, we have enough for the next hundred years or more.


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Dec 22, 2015
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Lawton, OK
Leave Syria alone as well as other Mideast countries, let them continue hating and killing as they have for the past several hundred years. If they don’t want to fight for their own country and are willing to let our boys die, they can have the mess. We don’t need their oil, we have enough for the next hundred years or more.
Strategically, its better to use someone else's oil first


Dec 10, 2008
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Apr 14, 2009
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Trump orders targeted strikes in Syria to retaliate for suspected chemical weapons attack
  • President Donald Trump announced Friday night that he ordered precision missile strikes in conjunction with French and British allies against the Syrian government.
  • Trump noted that the strike was underway and did not give further details of the targets or the military assets used.
  • Reuters reports that several explosions have already occurred in the Syrian capital of Damascus.

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