An idea for people on OSA with a lot of land

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Special Hen
Apr 11, 2009
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If SHTF and the cities were dangerous my wife would weight me down.
Sorry but most people would weight me down.
Survival of the fittest.
I ran away from home often as a child and once i made it 2 weeks in the woods by myself.
I ate an under cooked snapping turtle and got salmonella.

I should have stuck with small fish and crawfish and easy to cook frogs.
I lived in a hole in the ground i dug with a big stainless spoon.
I did not move from the hole during the day as there were people looking for me.

I had a trap door I made over the hole that looked like the rest of the under brush.
I was a trap door spider.

Wash clothes in the small creek where I got my food and water and wear them until dry.
I did not poop much because I did not eat much and did not expel much energy.

I had no plan on where to go from there and I did not have a gun or weapon other than my pocket knife.

Under ground would be the best place to live as you would not need to burn wood to keep warm.
Small fires to cook food only.
Crop would need to be Amaranth which is a grain very high in protein and you can eat the leaves.
It grows wild in many US states, many different varieties, it can be grown and look like weeds to the unknowing.

Look it up. Amaranth see what you think.

amaranth is pigweed. i grew up eating pigweed,poke,lambsquarter,sand plumbs turnips and the tops etc etc. problem is winter


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
As has been previously stated, a compound or large group of people in a confined area is not the most ideal when addressing food and water supply, though there is safety in somewhat larger groups.

Ideally, a cooperative of sorts with those in the community can be mutually beneficial to all. Trading of supplies and skills aids all in the cooperative. You can have a larger area to maintain a food and water supply while a soft perimeter with established lookouts and signals can alert others to impending dangers or red flag situations. Those in the farming community already unknowingly practice this. They get together at the coffee shop to talk and B.S., but the information each share benefits the others. I.e. I noticed I had a spot of army worms creeping into my field on the Smith place. Then the neighbor starts watching his place a little closer for the same pest. And how many times have you heard of a farmer in the community losing a tractor or other equipment only to have his neighbors show up and finish the job for him?

Do your best to plan and prepare, but be selfless in your actions with your neighbors and those favors will more than likely be returned when you need them the most.

Secure, protect and defend your place and your family, but be willing to do the same for the trusted confidants in your community/cooperative. Help them defend their property and family as if it were your own, and you will be family.

Certainly if a person had a large plot of land, they could still form this "co-op" with OSA folks to allow them to come live on the land if the SHTF and be part of the trading community. I was just starting a conversation...the degree to which group is centrally governed is up for debate. Your idea could work as long as the mutual assistance between the micro groups existed. And yes, you'd still have to have borders and lookouts.

This could work where each man is the head of his own little group/family but there was a common defense force established for outside threats. Also, if the group was not centrally governed with due process and internal laws to run things, then it would only work if the people were pre-vetted and of like mind. If one man wanted to beat his wife or do something else the majority of the others would not condone, then you would run into trouble within the micro groups with no top-level justice authority. You would literally have to mind your own business and ignore crimes for the privilege of living on that land and having the trading and mutual defense benefits.

There would need to be some contract at a high-level where the micro groups agreed to certain terms to be part of the "co-op". Steal or kill or rape, it won't be ignored, etc.??? What do you all think? Otherwise I do like this option where each man has some independence while still being part of the overall co-op and living on the same land. Either model (larger single group centrally governed OR the co-op model you are suggesting) could work and provide better food, medical and physical security than being alone with your family regardless of what land you were on.

amaranth is pigweed. i grew up eating pigweed,poke,lambsquarter,sand plumbs turnips and the tops etc etc. problem is winter

I'd be eating a lot of birds with the pellet gun and using the casting net in winter LOL.

Also, isn't poke poisonous? I seem to recall someone eating it when I was young but saying you have to boil it and not to east the berries?
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 19, 2012
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Also, isn't poke poisonous? I seem to recall someone eating it when I was young but saying you have to boil it and not to east the berries?

Yes, it is poisonous. Boil it and dump the water off 2-3 times and it becomes tender and edible without concern. I’ve eaten my fair share of it over the years. Polk and scrambled eggs was a staple at our house growing up.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
Also, isn't poke poisonous

It attacks the respiratory system.
Makes you feel like you can't take a deep breath or just hard to breathe.

I have eaten it raw many times, the young leaves are less poisonous and do not eat the stalk or berries.
I eat raw young leaves of the plant often and every time out in the woods when I see it.

Great grandmother would add the raw small leaves to a salad and no one ever got sick.
Maybe we all built up an immunity.
Some of these wild weeds are not good for you if you have liver issues.
oxalic acid is the culprit.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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If SHTF and the cities were dangerous my wife would weight me down.
Sorry but most people would weight me down.
Survival of the fittest.
I ran away from home often as a child and once i made it 2 weeks in the woods by myself.
I ate an under cooked snapping turtle and got salmonella.

I should have stuck with small fish and crawfish and easy to cook frogs.
I lived in a hole in the ground i dug with a big stainless spoon.
I did not move from the hole during the day as there were people looking for me.

I had a trap door I made over the hole that looked like the rest of the under brush.
I was a trap door spider.

Wash clothes in the small creek where I got my food and water and wear them until dry.
I did not poop much because I did not eat much and did not expel much energy.

I had no plan on where to go from there and I did not have a gun or weapon other than my pocket knife.

Under ground would be the best place to live as you would not need to burn wood to keep warm.
Small fires to cook food only.
Crop would need to be Amaranth which is a grain very high in protein and you can eat the leaves.
It grows wild in many US states, many different varieties, it can be grown and look like weeds to the unknowing.

Look it up. Amaranth see what you think.

Well any large group could use a scout to watch for threats and find resources. And a scout could use a safe place to stash his wife and a safe base to work from and return to. You could also teach the young what you know.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 24, 2023
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Oklahoma City
Old thread here and I didn't read every page but I'm guessing there wasn't a meetup that came out of this?

I'm not even looking for someone with land, just a group of like-minded families nearby to train with, bounce ideas off of, and help each other with the mundane needs in life outside the zombie apocalypse. I get some of this through my church group, but no one seems to be interested in talking survival scenarios or disaster planning.

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