This would be a good place to repost Veggie's video since the "patriots" have now showed up.
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See if I can add a video.
They're having a victory party at the Koch mansion.
Can you get us in?
And the funny part of that is, for the first time in a long time the GOP looks to raise more money then the Dems. Part of that is because the left has spent the last couple of years attacking the Koch brothers with lies, and so the Koch brothers decided to strike back by doubling what they usually donate to Republican causes. The fact that many former Obama supporters have not been donating has not hurt either.
By the way Religion as defined by Jesus Christ is to help the widows and the fatherless. Do you really want a government without that? My views on Religion in government is that a CHURCH has no business attempting to further its own ends through legistlation or coercion any more than any other entity. The church has far to lofty a goal to stoop to politics anyway. That being said, a civilization without morality is dead already. A civilization that wishes to thrive past the first couple of generations MUST teach and pass on morals. Anybody know of a better, more efficient means of achieving that than religion? The majority of our predicament today with our politicians can be summed up in a couple of words. A deficit of morality. You fix the lack of morality and even if politicians screw up, you can assume that they made an honest mistake just like anyone else, instead of assuming that there must be an ulterior motive or payoff.
Also while I'm on a tear, this whole thing about abortion being a "choice". Of course its a choice! To KILL or not to KILL, thats the question. Why is it socially acceptable to stop a heart beat in the womb but outside the womb the woman is a psychotic monster? Hmmmmm..........
I get so tired of retarded fools commenting on subjects they are either too lazy to read (1st ammendment) or too stupid to understand (due to their government school "education") what they just read.