LEO and open carry

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Special Hen
May 20, 2007
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Central Oklahoma
Carrying and using a firearm in self defense is a responsibility. Exercising any right requires a level of responsibility.

The right to self defense is the basis for all human existence. When one gives up that basis or it is taken away by whatever situation, bad things happen, tyrants thrive. Disarmed people are helpless people.

I support the open and concealed carry of firearms by citizens so that they may never have to bow down to those seeking to take their humanity, their lives.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Carrying and using a firearm in self defense is a responsibility. Exercising any right requires a level of responsibility.

The right to self defense is the basis for all human existence. When one gives up that basis or it is taken away by whatever situation, bad things happen, tyrants thrive. Disarmed people are helpless people.

I support the open and concealed carry of firearms by citizens so that they may never have to bow down to those seeking to take their humanity, their lives.

As I expected you would say. I don't think we're talking about ourselves here. The concern of many on this issue isn't with us, it's with those few who would relish the freedom to exercise the right, but without assuming any of the commensurate responsibility. Those people are our burden to bear for this right. :(


Jun 26, 2007
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Pond Creek
I accept the responsibility of my actions with no problem. I will not however accept responsibility for what others may think that I might do. To many of our freedoms are taken away, not for what we do with them, but for what we might do. I can not accept that thinking.



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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 15, 2009
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Central Oklahoma
Pro Second Amendment LEO and I support the right to open carry. Off duty I would
choose to carry my weapon concealed but that's simply my personal choice. I think concealed carry
offers me advantages that open carry does not. As a rule I don't advertise what I own, carry, carry in my
unit, or my skill or expertise in using a weapon of any type.


Special Hen
Sep 21, 2009
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As a citizen, I believe open carry should be available, but used very sparingly and under limited circumstances. I will only open carry out of uniform under very limited circumstances, such as when fishing on my boat, hiking or camping.

As a LEO, I feel my position should be the same as my agency, no position. If it comes to pass, don't come up to me in uniform and brag about how you can open carry the same as I do, unless you're wearing a vest and a triple retention holster, and have a certificate from a class that teaches weapon retention against gun grabs. Otherwise, I'll probably look at you like you're a martian.

If OC is passed and you decide to make your Wal-Mart walk with your exposed sidearm, please take off your air of superiority before exiting your vehicle. And if you EVER loose your sidearm to an adversary because of a gun grab, you own everything that happens with it from that point on. I cannot stress that strongly enough, and neither should you.

Good day! :)

I couldn't agree more


Special Hen
Sep 21, 2009
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For those who think that this never happens...and that it isn't easy to do here is some video for thought...let me first say that I think citizens should have the right to open carry but most will not do so in a safe manner (proper holster, proper training) the first video is of a gun grab on a Fobus Holster

radio traffic of an officer shot with his own weapon after a struggle.

Don't think that someone can't take your gun and use it against you

If you choose to open carry please, be informed, be trained, and have the best equipment that you can buy. Don't think that someone wont take your gun and use it against you, your family, and the rest of the law abiding public. The carry and use of a gun is a responsibly that far to many gun owners don't take seriously. Yes it is your right to carry a gun and defend yourself and I applaud you for making the choice to do so. But, if you don't take a firearms class, a marksmanship class, a combat shooting class, a defensive tactics class then you are doing yourself and the rest of the public a dis-service. Become as well trained as you possibly can be. Research the equipment you will use (including belt, holster, magazines, gun, ammo, ect.) and purchase and train with the system that gives the best security and reliably for that platform. If you open carry, please have retention on your holster. And please don't think for a second that someone can't take your gun, because as soon as you delude yourself into thinking that they cant take it, it will be. Just saying.....
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I am not a LEO

But I am against open carry

Because the bad guys know who to shoot 1st then.:wink2:
If someone doesn't want to open carry that is perfectly fine. There is nothing in this law that says someone has to open carry. If someone supports the second amendment and wants to get their rights back this is something we should all be behind. We could sit here all day and say this might happen, or that might happen , but the reality is 43 other states have open carry with no problems.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
I'm sure many of us have lived in an open carry state at one time or another. I lived in New Mexico for over four years. Know how many times I saw someone carrying openly? Exactly one time. I just don't see it as a problem.

I've been to NM and AZ and i never saw anybody in a walmart or restaurant openly carrying...ever.

I would be happy if the casual exposure law gets passed so if my shirt blows up in the wind and shows my glock or whatever i am carrying the soccer moms and grannies cant freak out too bad and call the law about a man with a gun. That'd be bad for me.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
For those who think that this never happens...and that it isn't easy to do here is some video for thought...let me first say that I think citizens should have the right to open carry but most will not do so in a safe manner (proper holster, proper training) the first video is of a gun grab on a Fobus Holster

radio traffic of an officer shot with his own weapon after a struggle.

Don't think that someone can't take your gun and use it against you

If you choose to open carry please, be informed, be trained, and have the best equipment that you can buy. Don't think that someone wont take your gun and use it against you, your family, and the rest of the law abiding public. The carry and use of a gun is a responsibly that far to many gun owners don't take seriously. Yes it is your right to carry a gun and defend yourself and I applaud you for making the choice to do so. But, if you don't take a firearms class, a marksmanship class, a combat shooting class, a defensive tactics class then you are doing yourself and the rest of the public a dis-service. Become as well trained as you possibly can be. Research the equipment you will use (including belt, holster, magazines, gun, ammo, ect.) and purchase and train with the system that gives the best security and reliably for that platform. If you open carry, please have retention on your holster. And please don't think for a second that someone can't take your gun, because as soon as you delude yourself into thinking that they cant take it, it will be. Just saying.....

I composed a poem in honor of your post...hope you like!
Two or three raisins does not a cake bake,
nor two or three anecdotes a pattern make.

--Copyright abajaj11, 2012.
But i agree with you, anyone open carrying needs to watch their six and be aware of their weapon and who may grab it.
I just find it disconcerting that some people think the average citizen is incapable of exercising the open-carry God given right responsibly.
These same folks must have REALLY been against concealed carry, with horror stories of pistols going off in pockets IWB holsers and blowing off people's body parts,. But we find average people are quite capable of exercising concealed carry rights responsibly! And it definitely has deterred crime.

Again, for the person who thinks open carry makes you a target, what if 2-3 people are open carrying in the same crowd...does that deter the bad guys from starting something? I think so!
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