Don't be surprised if you get a boot in the ass then. There are appropriate restaurants in which to show your rear, a nice one or a family one isn't the place. A titty bar or sports bar, you're home free.
Lol well I'm more or less kidding BUT any one willing to put a boot in my ass has a rude awakening
I bet I kick harder ; )
Honestly I don't really care for people being loud in an eat'n joint. I typically won't say anything in front of other people's kids I won't say in front of mine. But then agian I've gotten into it twice about me doing it. Once was like 3am at IHOP after leaving the bar. The way I see it, someone who has an 8 year old out at 3am instead at home sleeping doesn't have much right to tell me what I can and can't say. Next was at the lake on the 4th o July, everyone was drinking and we had all our boats tide up together. Some couple with thier kids came and tide up to us, then a bit later told me I need to watch the way I talk around their kids. I politely told them they shouldn't be taking thier kids around a bunch of drunk 21 year olds if thy didn't want them to hear that stuff. That if they didn't like it they can untie from my boat and find a new place to hang out.