I hate thieves and liars!
At my Ponca City Gun show last weekend a vendor asked if I would cash a check for a guy that was buying some ammo from him at the last few minutes of the gun show it was for $170.
I looked at the guy he said he was working installing windmills up in the area and he looked respectable and honest his check was in the 2,000 serial range and was from Montanta so I took him on his word and cashed his check huge mistake on my part!
Well you guessed it was a bad check and I got charged another $15 service fee thru my bank and I am out the money as of right now waiting on the check to come back to me so I can scan a copy of it and email it to the vendor he is in turn going to write me a good check to pay me back.
I thanked the vendor for making it right but still makes me madder than hell because he is out his product and we were both swindled by a thief. Lesson learned and first bad check I have ever received at any of my gun shows so far.
At my Ponca City Gun show last weekend a vendor asked if I would cash a check for a guy that was buying some ammo from him at the last few minutes of the gun show it was for $170.
I looked at the guy he said he was working installing windmills up in the area and he looked respectable and honest his check was in the 2,000 serial range and was from Montanta so I took him on his word and cashed his check huge mistake on my part!
Well you guessed it was a bad check and I got charged another $15 service fee thru my bank and I am out the money as of right now waiting on the check to come back to me so I can scan a copy of it and email it to the vendor he is in turn going to write me a good check to pay me back.
I thanked the vendor for making it right but still makes me madder than hell because he is out his product and we were both swindled by a thief. Lesson learned and first bad check I have ever received at any of my gun shows so far.