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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
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I bought a Smith and Wesson that had some trigger work done by the previous owner. I haven't reloaded for it yet, but I was easily hitting a 6 inch steel plate over and over at 50 yards. I probably haven't put 50 rounds through it yet.
I've got a Ruger Super Redhawk in .44 mag. With my full loads, I can't keep a 6" group at 25 yds. The S&W will maintain a 2" group.
The Ruger has a 12 pound trigger, and the S&W has a target trigger and hammer that breaks at 3 pounds.
Pretty easy to figure out that the Ruger needs a whole lot of trigger work.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Just click on the one that has the IMG, and it will auto copy, and then you can post the pic like I did.

Got another good one on public land. Shot him at 3:00 pm opening day. He looked like he was chasing but no doe had came through. Guess he was just cruising fast stopped and looked at me at 25 yards for bout 1/2 second to long.¤t=20121119_125154_zps25cf9331.jpg



Special Hen
Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score

That's just about how my Ruger Redhawk is too. I have found if I cock the hammer manually that I shoot better. Exactly why I am hoping a buck will come in close like my muzzleloader buck did :) But, if he doesn't, I am ready there too! Here I have the rifle & pistol ready! Oh yeah, the .22 also 'cause I hate armadillos!!!

This evening is the first time my 11 y/o son didn't come along this gun season. So what happens, this little 6-point trots by at 25 yards chasing a doe. He is going to be upset when he hears the news. This is his first year to hunt deer.

First buck I have seen while hunting this gun season.



Distinguished 1998
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 4, 2008
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Midwest City
When I was 16 my boss took me to Davy Crockett National Forest for one day and we didn't see a thing. So I guess this qualifies as my first time to truly go hunting. Took my 12 yr old with me this past weekend. Saturday morning we saw a doe right at sunlight and then on my side of the blind a nice size 8 or 10 point comes out. I told my son to take a shot through my window but he couldn't get around me. We waited as the buck kept looking at the blind (read us) and he finally stopped about 50 yards right in front of the blind. My son took his shot while crouching (don't ask me why he didn't sit down) and the buck jumped and ran off. My son and I were shocked he missed. He had been getting good groups with the Weatherby Vanguard .308 but maybe the excitement got to him. We saw a little spike after that stop on my son's side of the blind but he didn't want to shoot the little guy (I was proud of his decision). Then we saw another doe but she was running. By now its 930 and the distant gun shots have almost ceased. He and I decided to move to the other side of the land which was a bad decision. After we got out of the blind a very large doe ran right in front of us followed by a HUGE buck. By the time I flipped my scope caps and took my rifle off safe they were at full pace. I can only imagine if we had stayed in the blind this would have been my son's. Saturday evening we didn't see a single thing besides a few armadillos.

Sunday morning we headed down to the blind just like the day before about an hour before open. Excited to see what we had seen the day before. I have to tell you it was upsetting not to see a thing. I was really hoping we would come home with something since this was the "BIG" trip for both of us. I kept telling my son we weren't going to leave until at least 10 and that patience would pay off. No sooner then I said that this buck comes running out on my sons side. I told him to get ready in case he stopped. I went ahead and sighted in. The buck stopped for a brief second and my son kept saying shot him, so I did. He took off running! I couldn't believe I had missed. We walked down and counted it off around 164 yards. As we were walking around I noticed a few drops of blood. We went ahead and followed the blood trail for at least 200 yards and found him on a trail with blood splattered all over the trees. He must have ran around in circles before he dropped. When we gutted him it looks like I got him in the lung and broke a rib. Shot him with a Savage FCP-10 .308 with a SWFA SS fixed 6x scope.

Now that we have been reflecting on this trip my son and I are convinced he more then likely hit that first buck on opening day. Bad thing is when he broke through the tree line there is a fence with somebody else's property so we couldn't have tracked him down anyway.

[Broken External Image]



Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Cowzrul good for getting that boy out hunting. That is a nice first buck. If a deer that is being blood trailed has crossed onto other property, please don't give up. Try contacting that landowner. If you don't know who it is, contact county game warden and see if he knows who to contact. You hear a lot about the dropped a deer in its tracks, dead right there, and dropped like a sack of potatoes, but just as many run off before expiring. Sometimes its just the slightest bloo trail, other times its the red carpet. Goodluck on the rest of season.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 13, 2010
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My daughter dropped this one Sunday morning of opening weekend.
About 80 yards. One shot with her Contender carbine in 7-30 Waters through heart/lungs.
One excited kid.

Not sure why photobucket flipped the pic.



Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Backwoods, OK
Had this buck come in and out with a doe, without getting a shot at 1:00pm. 5 minutes later, she brought him right back through. When I shot him, he went West, the doe came right at me and up over the pond dam comes another buck of the same size right behind her. So, I'm not sure if the buck I shot was the first one I saw or not. I know it was the same doe, she was a different color gray than the others I'd seen that morning. As I followed the blood into the tall grass, I quickly saw my buck, and just beyond him, was the skeleton of another buck, which is what the other skull is in the pic.

I've been waiting for you to post something! I was hoping it was going to be a forkhorn or spike. hahaha Good looking buck(s). Looks to have some mass to it. Think the buck you found was a road hunter victim or shot and lost?


Special Hen
Sep 17, 2010
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Valliant, OK
Got this 18 inch, 7 point this morning near Valliant. H&R Buffalo Classic, .45-70, 476 grain cast bullet over 65 grains of Goex FFg. About 40 yards. I got lucky, he left no blood for the first 50 or so yards, then I found a short blood trail for maybe 30 yards, then found him piled up in the grass. Through and through low lung shot, 2 inch exit hole, but not much of a blood trail.



Special Hen
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Moore, OK and Mexico.
I had a little button buck come into my stand this morning. He spotted me 25 yards away, stared, and ran. Then stopped to do a double take. Then booked it again.... right to my friend's stand. He watched for about 15 minutes. After that I had a small doe come into about 60 yards away and did a good shot on her. She ran 40 yards into the woods. My friend decided he didn't want to leave empty handed... since I shot one he wanted to shoot one too I guess. He also is getting scared he wouldn't have any meat at all I don't think because he's almost out of days he can hunt. He waited another 5 minutes and took out the button buck. (great first deer ever for him, eh?)

I got down and we met up. While walking to meet him (he didn't know where my stand was exactly) I stumbled across my doe. "She looks even smaller than I thought though... Well crap." Wasted my anterless rifle tag on a fawn weighing at most 35 lbs. field dressed. Same exact size as his button buck. Oh well... meat is meat and this should be good meat. At least I know my rifle is still sighted in since my brother will be using it to try to get an antelope in a few weeks.
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