Looking for a suggestions on what specialty doc to visit.
You'll need an upper extremities orthopedic surgeon. Not that you'll necessarily need surgery, but that's the specialty.
Not all ortho docs are created equal. They're like plumbers, viz. some good. Some disastrous. How to separate the two?
Call a few local physical therapists. Ask them who sends train wrecks and who sends miracles. They will know.
Once you get a list of names, go to your primary care physician for a referral for a doc in your network.
And, as a former bodybuilder, I can say: stop lifting until you've fixed the problem. Once I hurt my back doing barbell curls w/100 pounds. It took me to my knees. I couldn't breathe. But I finished my workout. "A good soldier don't feel the pain."
That injury plagued me for 20 years.