Maybe you should stop and look at WHY doctors only spend 7.5 minutes per patient. There are a ton of factors in that. if you want to complain about it, you need to understand it and place the blame everywhere it is deserved.What's the average time most physicians spend with a patient these days? Last I heard it was around 7.5 minutes. A pill seems to be the quick fix for both doctors and patients in some cases.
Drug shortages seem to be a problem, too. Either the cheap drugs aren't being made because big pharma can't make enough money selling them or the government is restricting the amounts of certain chemicals used to make the drugs. We can't win.
And big pharma wants to make money because they are private companies with investors who expect a return on their investment. If you want to legislate all drugs free or cheap to everyone, then you'd better be prepared for there to be almost NO new drugs, because no one's going to spend billions developing new ones with no expectation of profit at the end of the line.