I cannot elaborate on a statement that is not mine. If you look at my post it is the statement of a Stanford law professor.
As I said in my post, I do not believe open carry will affect concealed carry laws in Oklahoma; I believe it will cause businesses to start posting no firearm signs on their property.
Michael Brown
I did not misunderstand who made the statement. Maybe I should ask the question a different way. You said
From the atricle quoting Stanford law professor Robert Weisberg: "He says the NRA is uncomfortable with the permissiveness of the open carry movement and may worry it could endanger laws that protect carrying concealed weapons."
I believe this to be a very valid concern.
I get what you are saying about open carry resulting in more businesses restricting firearms therefore placing more restrictions on concealed carriers.
But, what valid concerns do you have about open carry endangering laws that protect concealed weapons?
I too see that some businesses may restrict CC because they do not want open carry in their business. But, I think this is primarily an urban concern and outside of the Tulsa and OKC areas would be for the most part a non issue.
I can't speak for all supporters of open carry but for me HB3354 would have given me more and better options in how I dress while concealing. It would allow me to carry comfortably when working or playing in the country where I live and spend most of my time away from work. Away from home and rural stomping grounds I would not likely ever carry open. But, I would like the option to do around my home what best suits me.
So, to get back to my original post about why the NRA/ORA do not support open carry. What I'm reading on here is that it is the opinion of some that the NRA does not support open carry because it would restrict or hurt conceal carry. Not arguing the point (while it does seem a little to PC) just trying to understand.