I dont need test to prove what I had Bob, Ivermectine does not cure anything but head lice, worms and covid. It cured my fever and fatigue...thats covid, and Test dont work until day 5 or 6 as I was told by my MD and I used the Ivermec way before that as it works best when ingested early. One positive test last spring and the time before the Dr. said even though I had a negative test on day 3 of symptoms, he believed it was covid after further review.Really, you had 3 positive covid tests? Because I remember when you previously told this story & said you weren’t tested, but you knew you had it twice. That’s my confusion because it was a big debate on here about how could you know you had it if you weren’t tested.
I will debate with you no more. I know my body and what happened well more than some stranger on the WEB acting like a medical expert.
Piece out